RedApparat / Fotoapparat

Making Camera for Android more friendly. 📸
Apache License 2.0
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Configuration Issue with Java #204

Closed DvlopRyanSpears closed 6 years ago

DvlopRyanSpears commented 6 years ago

Hi,i'm trying use this library with Java,

mFotoapparat = Fotoapparat .with(this) .into(cameraView_fotoapparat)
.photoResolution(new Function1<Iterable, Resolution>() { @Override public Resolution invoke(Iterable resolutions) { return new Resolution(1080,1200); } }).lensPosition(new Function1<Iterable<? extends LensPosition>, LensPosition>() { @Override public LensPosition invoke(Iterable<? extends LensPosition> lensPositions) { return null;
//Here's the issue that i'm facing. I don't know how to create a LensPosition object. since the //LensPosition class is a 'sealed' class and it's child class are not defined as static class inside of //LensPosition . } }) .build();

Diolor commented 6 years ago

e.g. LensPositionSelectorsKt.front()for front camera or back() for the back one.

Note that you resolution is also hardcoded which might not work for all devices: some devices might not support 1080x1200 resolution.

DvlopRyanSpears commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your reply. For the resolution problem, should i query the device's max supported resolution before i set ?

Diolor commented 6 years ago

We already have an example here about highest resolution:

Available selectors are listed here:

ARSOFT1 commented 5 years ago

LensPositionSelectorsKt.front() is not working.....Update your code

ARSOFT1 commented 5 years ago

builder =Fotoapparat.with(this).into(binding.cameraView) .previewScaleType(ScaleType.CenterCrop) // we want the preview to fill the view .photoResolution(ResolutionSelectorsKt.highestResolution())// we want to have the biggest photo possible .lensPosition(LensPositionSelectorsKt.front()) .focusMode(SelectorsKt.firstAvailable( // (optional) use the first focus mode which is supported by device FocusModeSelectorsKt.continuousFocusPicture(), FocusModeSelectorsKt.autoFocus(), // in case if continuous focus is not available on device, auto focus will be used FocusModeSelectorsKt.fixed() // if even auto focus is not available - fixed focus mode will be used )) .flash(SelectorsKt.firstAvailable( // (optional) similar to how it is done for focus mode, this time for flash FlashSelectorsKt.autoRedEye(), FlashSelectorsKt.autoFlash(), FlashSelectorsKt.torch() ));