RedCMD / TmLanguage-Syntax-Highlighter

Syntax Highlighting and Intellisense for VSCode's JSON based TextMate grammars (with Regex)
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Scope theme colors don't update #2

Closed vanowm closed 6 months ago

vanowm commented 1 year ago

It seems changes in package.json are not reflected in tmLanguage.json And some scopes don't have any colors: image


I think it was one time after VSCode restart that is showed all the missing colors for a split of a second, then removed them.

[EDIT] might be conflicting with other extension? will check

RedCMD commented 1 year ago

Any changes in package.json requires 2 restarts of vscode to take affect

Do the colours work on your language? (not the json file)

Currently I'm just piggy backing off vscodes scope highlighting (textmate) it only takes the current themes colours/scopes into account idk if the settings in package.json modify's it

I might have to colour it with semantic highlighting

vanowm commented 1 year ago

Yes, the colors are working properly in that extension. Two restarts of vscode??? That's doesn't sound like "real time" 😉

Tried it on fresh portable VSCode with default settings only this extension installed - it doesn't pick up any colors after multiple restarts: image

RedCMD commented 1 year ago

the two restarts is default vscode behavior

you adding the scopes to your extension or theme? I only support themes scopes atm

vanowm commented 1 year ago

It's syntax highlighting rules for the extension. image

It is strange though that it's picking up some colors and not in fresh vscode

RedCMD commented 1 year ago

Its working for me image image

vanowm commented 1 year ago

How about on this?

RedCMD commented 1 year ago


vanowm commented 1 year ago

that's not the code from that branch thought

RedCMD commented 1 year ago

I just had a quick look it is indeed not working I'll have to figure it out later

RedCMD commented 1 year ago

seems only one extension can define editor.tokenColorCustomizations at a time image I removed editor.tokenColorCustomizations from my test extension and yours started working again prob should make bug report to vscode

This doesn't affect just my extension it affects vscodes textmate in general

if you are launching your extension using vscodes debugging mode then only one extension is modifying editor.tokenColorCustomizations so it will appear to work correctly

you can see how I apply the scope to "name" nothing special. just gets the text in "name" and applies itself as a scope its then up to the current theme (and textMateRules) to colour it keyboard shortcuts => editor.action.inspectTMScopes

Tried it on fresh portable VSCode with default settings only this extension installed - it doesn't pick up any colors after multiple restarts:

do you also have your extension enabled in the same instance of vscode?

vanowm commented 1 year ago

On fresh install I only tested your extension, nothing else. P.S. On your screenshots, you are testing it against wrong commit/branch of autoit extension. For me as you can see on first screenshot, these names worked fine too, including names that ended with a color name (blue, red, brown), however on fresh install none are highlighted.

RedCMD commented 1 year ago

On fresh install I only tested your extension, nothing else.

vscode uses the current theme to colour in scopes your extension needs to be enabled for it to add your scopes to the current theme otherwise vscode will default back to standard white

I have both yours and my extension enabled in the same instance of vscode image

vanowm commented 1 year ago

I think there is misunderstanding 😉. My extension has nothing to do with this. When I open workspace where the code of my extension is in fresh vscode with only RedCMD installed, it doesn't show the colors.

RedCMD commented 1 year ago

which is currently intended behavior if your current theme doesn't support those scopes then they won't have any colour

maybe I can add a language feature to load scopes from inactivate extensions (semantic highlighting) problem is I have to manually check every file for it then I can't use any builtin vscode features and then what should happen when there is multiple workspaces and extensions? how to handle injections and embedding? manually emulating an environment is much harder than just using the current one is much simpler, as vscode handles everything

RedCMD commented 8 months ago

I didn't end up using semantic highlighting. VSCode's TextMate scopename assigning is way too stupidly complex

Instead I try to locate the package.json file, copy the editor.tokenColorCustomizations setting and apply it to VSCode's global settings file. Sadly this will overwrite any editor.tokenColorCustomizations thats already there so I make a copy of that and save it as editor.tokenColorCustomizations_bak and attempt to reload it back when closing files (TODO: needs more work

vanowm commented 8 months ago

In my tests, since we can't control when, which extension initializing first, all we can do is merge existing setting with ours, not just replace it. But again we can't really trust that the global setting is up-to-date when extension starts, even merging might not be 100% reliable solition...

RedCMD commented 8 months ago

I thought about merging all settings But technically VSCode doesn't ever merge the editor.tokenColorCustomizations setting either so I'll just follow the same way and just temporary replace the settings when clicking on a package.json file or json-textmate languageId file

I don't have to worry about the extension initializing order as this feature is only for in the context that the extension providing the editor.tokenColorCustomizations setting isn't loaded in the same instance of VSCode

I need to look into WorkspaceConfiguration.inspect(), cause currently I'm backing up settings from loaded extensions rather than just the global settings file

RedCMD commented 8 months ago

I've published a pre-release version with the changes see if its like how you want and that theres no bugs :}

RedCMD commented 6 months ago

Now available in the full release 2.3.0 for VSCode 1.87.0