RedChimera / IWD2EE

This is the most recent semiOverhaul mod, containing most of the rebalancing components and a few other tweaks.
138 stars 7 forks source link

Current state of Linux support? #111

Open sirlucidae opened 4 months ago

sirlucidae commented 4 months ago

I'm aware the official release candidate was targeted towards Windows, but I haven't seen mention of Linux anywhere. I wondered if anyone has managed to get IWD2EE working on Linux with Wine? Is a Linux compatible version planned for the future?

Bubb13 commented 4 months ago

Hello! Some users have gotten IWD2EE to work under Wine. From what I recall, the following is necessary:

  1. Wine 8.11+. IWD2EE uses the Raw Input API, which only works properly in newer Wine versions.
  2. Even though IWD2EE sets up cnc-ddraw automatically, cnc-ddraw's config utility has to be run through Wine at least once so that it can install a DLL override.
  3. The resolution popup relies on the MFC library, which isn't included in Wine by default. Putting this DLL in your game folder should allow it work (thought visually it may appear slightly broken):