RedChimera / IWD2EE

This is the most recent semiOverhaul mod, containing most of the rebalancing components and a few other tweaks.
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3 issues i faced upto act 3 (glitchy wyvern hitbox, strange behavior of Oria (3rd mage at temple) and glitchy Veira hitbox) #112

Open korn3r opened 4 months ago

korn3r commented 4 months ago

Hi. Very nice addon. But i faced couple issues i would like to report:

  1. Very minor issue: the very first guard NPC that you face at docks (forgot name, sorry), that is injured. You got "im cleric..." dialog entry (saying something like "i can heal you") even if party cleric doesnt have any healing spells on him.
  2. Veira hitbox is glitchy. Looks like she wants to be futher from mob than usual range is, so she's backpaddling all the time if monster targets her. So it becomes very strange endless moving for her and mob. Its like Veira logic is "im too close, i need to step back" and she's steps back, then mob logic is "im too far" and mob steps closer to her, then it repeats (veira steps back, mob steps forward). Its very annoying endless moving towards edge of the screen.
  3. MAIN ONE: wyverns (not sure about ALL flying monsters, im just at act 3) have same issue as Veira. They do step back all the time if character or summoned monster they attacking goes into melee. Same backpaddling towards edge of the screen. Dragon at act3 with bunch of wyverns was a nightmare to kill like that, i had to just aoe them down with Veira while rest of my party stood still so wyvern wont scatter aroung the map backpaddling from their tagets. EDIT: Dragon outside cave spawns wyverns with bugged hitbox + wyverns that spawn randomly during rest in that location have bugged hitbox too, BUT dragon inside cave spawn normal wyverns that does not have this issuse... Looks like game has different types of wyverns.

Overall very nice addon, thank you for you work. Just this hitbox issues where very annoying.

And about Oria: I killed her once, she broke her stuff and after activating Mode 2 in game room my party wasnt able to hit her (i have 3 melees + Veira). After hitting her for couple minutes i saw that Veira did damage Oira once with melee hit and i killed Oira with spells after that... maybe i could hit her with spells from the start, i didnt try that actually, but isnt she supposed to be hit with all types of damage after you activate that mode 2 in game room? That looked like glitch, but im not sure. It would be pretty frustrating if you cant complete this encounter without caster in party.