RedChimera / IWD2EE

This is the most recent semiOverhaul mod, containing most of the rebalancing components and a few other tweaks.
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(Feature Request) Component - Remove XP reductions #119

Open Templayer opened 3 months ago

Templayer commented 3 months ago


I would humbly request a mod component that removes various XP reductions from the game.

For example, a selectable part for it would be the multiclass "favoured class" (or absence thereof for the character) XP reduction.

Because we all know that all Aasimilar should be Paladins. Because heck, why should anybody create an Aasimilar Bard with a level or two of Cleric?

Or why would anybody make a Strongheart Halfling Fighter 4/Monk/Cleric that is obsessed with crossbows?

Well, I would. Some of us have played the Infinity-engine games hundreds of times and with IWD2EE, they would like to have the freedom to create really insane combinations that were forbidden in 2e Infinity-engine games. :<

I've always considered the "Favoured classes" to be a failure of game design, even in core rules. Let us "homebrew" it. :p

Balanced? Probably not. Silly and fun? Hell yeah!

Worst case scenario - I would have to find a way to grind XP for these characters specifically. That sounds tedious. And not fun.

I did a similar thing in IWD:EE where I removed racial class restrictions (and made a Halfling Paladin, a Dwarven Bard, a Gnome Wild Mage,...)... I mean... I do now have a Halfing with a Sling and a Tower Shield. That looks really silly for a Halfling. FUN!

Beorhtnoth commented 1 month ago

You can change favored class to "any". Quoting @OlvynChuru comment from Discord here:

There's currently no way to change the favored classes of specific races or subraces. However, there does exist a way to give all races and subraces Favored Class: Any. Go in your override folder while IWD2EE is installed and find the file IEex_INI.lua. Open it in Notepad or another text editor and change the line ["EX_FAVCL"] = false, to ["EX_FAVCL"] = true, You'll have to do this again if you reinstall IWD2EE.

Templayer commented 1 month ago

You can change favored class to "any". Quoting @OlvynChuru comment from Discord here:

There's currently no way to change the favored classes of specific races or subraces. However, there does exist a way to give all races and subraces Favored Class: Any. Go in your override folder while IWD2EE is installed and find the file IEex_INI.lua. Open it in Notepad or another text editor and change the line ["EX_FAVCL"] = false, to ["EX_FAVCL"] = true, You'll have to do this again if you reinstall IWD2EE.

Nice! That is a decent enough workaround!

It would still be nice to make it a part of the installation process/mods. "change favoured class to "any"" together with a list of things that would be affected (like the aforementioned XP multi-class penalty removal).

Is there any side effect that I might not be aware of, as I am too used to 2e?

Templayer commented 1 month ago

Actually, I've done some digging and Favoured class: Any might not be enough:

Just a warning: By RAW, Favored Class Any means that your highest leveled class is your favored class, not the one that would give you the most benefit. This means that under some conditions, having Any is actually worse than having a specific favored class.

I wonder how it works in IWD2? Because if it really works like that, then...

Strongheart Halfling Fighter 4/Monk/Cleric

...won't be possible without an XP penalty even with Favored Class: Any?

Templayer commented 1 month ago

If that is indeed the case, I might have to use ctrlaltdelete:setcurrentxp(#) to fix that crappy XP penalty for specific characters.


Templayer commented 1 month ago

Strongheart Halfling Fighter 4/Monk/Cleric

...won't be possible without an XP penalty even with Favored Class: Any?

