RedChimera / IWD2EE

This is the most recent semiOverhaul mod, containing most of the rebalancing components and a few other tweaks.
145 stars 8 forks source link

Monk Attacks per Round issue #66

Open ClamantesDaemonium opened 4 years ago

ClamantesDaemonium commented 4 years ago

I am experiencing an issue with a monk character who, with 5 levels in monk and 1 in cleric, should have 3 attacks per round. Unfortunately, they seem stuck at 2 instead. Included are screenshots of the general record, attack/damage record, and inventory of the character in case there is some obvious minor issue I'm missing.

Monk 01 Monk 02 Monk 03

ClamantesDaemonium commented 4 years ago

Note that I have a mod installed that allows ammo to stack up to 9999 so I don't end up with an inventory of arrows, and creates an item called an ammo belt which can store ammo. I don't think that this would affect the issue at hand but I haven't tried playing without it yet