RedChimera / IWD2EE

This is the most recent semiOverhaul mod, containing most of the rebalancing components and a few other tweaks.
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Bigger Fonts? #77

Open FredSRichardson opened 2 years ago

FredSRichardson commented 2 years ago

I'm definitely having a hard time reading the fonts for this game. I may try just reducing the resolution - but any thoughts on a "Bigger Fonts" feature?

Someone referenced this mod:

FredSRichardson commented 2 years ago

I actually did try the bigger fonts above. The problem is that in some cases the text doesn't fit in places like "feat" description cells when selecting feats during level up. I think currently the best alternative is to run at a lower resolution if you're like me and have trouble reading small fonts. I realize a way to scale the HUD is probably not possible without modifying the code somehow.

moonchaser16c commented 1 year ago

I suggest applying the bigger fonts only to the dialogue screen. I changed the name of bigger fonts file to, for example, "bigfont.bam" and put it in Override folder. Next, by using NearInfinity, I edited GUIW08.CHU and GUIW10.CHU, which I understand to be the GUI for dialogue screen, to replace all references to the original "normal.bam" font file with "bigfont.bam". By this approach, only the texts in the dialogue screens are enlarged and can be read easily, and the other texts like feat descriptions are maintained so that they fit in their places as normal. From a short playtesting, it seems that this works well without any particular problems. I expect that this may be employed to EE version of the game.