RedChimera / IWD2EE

This is the most recent semiOverhaul mod, containing most of the rebalancing components and a few other tweaks.
139 stars 7 forks source link

CRASH in IEex_Extern_FeatHook() #78

Closed FredSRichardson closed 2 years ago

FredSRichardson commented 2 years ago

Here's the traceback:

INFO: [!]     stack traceback:
INFO: [!]         [C]: in function 'IEex_ReadDword'
INFO: [!]         override/IEex_Core_State.lua:225: in function <override/IEex_Core_State.lua:220>
INFO: [!]         [C]: in function 'IEex_Helper_SynchronizedBridgeOperation'
INFO: [!]         override/IEex_Core_State.lua:220: in function 'IEex_GetFeatCountFromDerivedStats'
INFO: [!]         override/IEex_Core_State.lua:378: in function <override/IEex_Core_State.lua:370>

The crash is in IEex_ReadDword(stats - 0x1C4 + math.floor(featID / 32) * 0x4) so maybe the passed oldDerivedStats to IEex_Extern_FeatHook() is not a valid address or the offset is computed incorrectly? Not sure if NearInfinity can help with this - if I can figure out how to print out the address I'll try that.

I'm not sure how to share the whole log file. I don't see an "attach" feature here. The error message mentioned discord, but I couldn't find the RedChimera community there.

FredSRichardson commented 2 years ago

Just a quick update...

This is the best type of CRASH ever! Not... I can't seem to replicate after loading a save game. For context, in case it's not obvious, this bug happened while leveling a character.

I don't know if the skill points impact this particular bit of code, but I tried leveling different skills just in case that was it. The particular feat I was adding was Spell Focus: Evocation / Conjuration if that helps at all.

FredSRichardson commented 2 years ago

Nice fix - thanks!!!