RedChimera / IWD2EE

This is the most recent semiOverhaul mod, containing most of the rebalancing components and a few other tweaks.
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Difficulty Slider Not Displaying Correctly #90

Closed morpheus562 closed 1 year ago

morpheus562 commented 1 year ago

The Difficulty Slider does not display nor describe what adjusting the difficulty does. Additionally, it does not say if moving the button to the right makes it harder or easier and what that actually means.

OlvynChuru commented 1 year ago

If you click on the difficulty slider, it does bring up a description which mentions what adjusting the difficulty does: it affects how much damage enemies do, and their saving throws and attack rolls. This is all vanilla behavior.

And is it not intuitive that moving the difficulty slider to the right increases the difficulty? I've never seen a game where the hard mode option was to the left of the easy mode option in a menu.


morpheus562 commented 1 year ago

I typically agree, but it did feel "off" for lack of a better term. Is insane still dealing double damage or is it just incremental? Is there a clearer description for what each increment in difficulty provides in regards to the to-hit and saving throws?

Beorhtnoth commented 1 year ago

There's also a difficulty slider in IWD2 Config that provides details about damage (insane is double damage). There is no place within the game that provides information about difficulty specific increase/decrease to enemy AC and saving throws.

Interestingly, there is only this about difficulty in the manual: "Difficulty: Adjusts the game’s difficulty. Sliding to the left makes the game easier to play."

Config is also the only(?) way to turn on HoF mode.

OlvynChuru commented 1 year ago

There's also a difficulty slider in IWD2 Config that provides details about damage (insane is double damage). There is no place within the game that provides information about difficulty specific increase/decrease to enemy AC and saving throws.

Interestingly, there is only this about difficulty in the manual: "Difficulty: Adjusts the game’s difficulty. Sliding to the left makes the game easier to play."

Config is also the only(?) way to turn on HoF mode.

Changing the difficulty does not change enemy AC (except on HoF, though that's just because they have higher Dexterity, and IWD2EE gives a small number of specific enemies HoF-only items that boost their AC).

I think the reason why you can't turn HoF mode on or off in-game is because the devs intended you to stick with or without HoF for the entire playthrough. In BG:EE, Beamdog did a similar thing with Legacy of Bhaal. However, they also allowed you to decide whether to play Legacy of Bhaal when starting a new game, without having to go into the config. Implementing something similar for Heart of Fury in IWD2EE could be tricky.

OlvynChuru commented 1 year ago

The newest update of IWD2EE gives a more detailed description of the changes of each difficulty when you click on the difficulty slider.