RedChimera / IWD2EE

This is the most recent semiOverhaul mod, containing most of the rebalancing components and a few other tweaks.
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Resolution options non-functional #93

Closed HindianYT closed 9 months ago

HindianYT commented 9 months ago

*The only work-around I've figured out so far, is to select the lowest resolution, and then full-screen the game. It looks pretty bad when I do this, but it's the only work-around I've discovered that makes the UI interface "scale"

Very excited to be part of the group and playtest, however I've already encountered an issue that prevents me from wanting to go further...

None of the resolution options seem to function as intended, unless I'm misunderstanding something.

I play on a 16:10 monitor 2560 x 1600, my video card is a standard 3070. The install was easy enough, however when I launch the executable and select my resolution, the screen is incredibly small. I've attempted to tinker with the program's DPI settings, but nothing I can think of is fixing the issue. I don't want to just assume this is as intended, and while in game the play area is zoomed out, the UI does not scale and is very tiny. Is there a workaround, is this a known issue, any suggestions as to what I should do to fix this?

OlvynChuru commented 9 months ago

Could you post a screenshot of what it looks like for you if you select a high resolution option?

Bubb13 commented 9 months ago

The engine isn't capable of upscaling the game's rendering - that is done by any ddraw fix you have installed. IWD2:EE comes bundled with cnc-ddraw, (with the configuration optimized for IWD2:EE), but doesn't install it if an alternative ddraw fix is already installed.

GOG installs an alternate ddraw fix by default, which prevents IWD2:EE from installing cnc-ddraw. I recommend running setup-ddrawfix.exe to uninstall GOG's default fix before installing IWD2:EE. This ensures cnc-ddraw will be used.

And, critically, the resolution selection menu asks which resolution the game should target. cnc-ddraw then upscales the game from the selected resolution to your monitor's resolution. This means that in order to get a reasonably sized UI, you should select a low game resolution, ideally one close to the aspect ratio of your monitor, then let cnc-ddraw blow that up the rest of the way.

HindianYT commented 9 months ago

2560x1600 2560x1600-ingame 800x600 800x600ingame

It's strange, because Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 EE, and Icewind Dale EE do not have this issue[with respect to this being a fan-made mod]. I'm able to have the UI scale up automatically and look "correct" opposed to what you see above. The first two images are when selecting my monitors native resolution, 2560 x 1600. While ingame I like how zoomed out it looks, you can see the UI is very tiny, but if I select 800x600, it does resemble what I'm used to with the official products, albeit with a few caveats.

Is there no ingame zoom in/out support for this project? I've gotten pretty used to being able to zoom in on certain areas, but then zoom out when I want to see more of the field. Hopefully I'm making a little sense and not sounding like a complete moron.

Bubb13 commented 9 months ago

Your screenshots show normal behavior. As I said above, running the game near 800x600 / 1024x768 is recommended.

Beamdog completely rewrote the Infinity Engine's rendering pipeline to support zoom / UI scaling. Unfortunately that is out of reach for this project, as such a large undertaking would require serious manpower, not to mention the source code, which we are operating without.

HindianYT commented 9 months ago

Understood, wasn't the answer I was hoping for but thank you all the same.