RedEM-RP / redem_roleplay

RedEM Roleplay Framework
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Script formating and optimization #43

Closed Pauljoych closed 2 years ago

Pauljoych commented 2 years ago
abdulkadiraktas commented 2 years ago

I couldn't see any code that would affect the optimization. The pull request you sent is far from readable. My suggestion is to send edit and optimized changes separately as pull requests. Also, I didn't understand the purpose of changing the variable "_source" to "src".

Pauljoych commented 2 years ago

I couldn't see any code that would affect the optimization. The pull request you sent is far from readable. My suggestion is to send edit and optimized changes separately as pull requests. Also, I didn't understand the purpose of changing the variable "_source" to "src".

Okay let me separate per point as a new PR.