RedGear / RedGearCore

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COFH Dependencies deprecated #4

Closed mindforger closed 9 years ago

mindforger commented 9 years ago

i am getting mod sorting issues when using your morebackpacks together with the latest (stable) forestry and thermal expansion. i tracked the error down to red gear included with more backpacks and got told on IRC it's a deprecated COFH nergy API included in your mod.

a log is not sufficient as it has no crashlog only stating very unspecific "mod sorting error" and a lotof work to trace down all references and removing all COFH api based mods until i hit this core mod

DillonJettCallis commented 9 years ago

API updated in Core: 2.2.0

MagmaBro123 commented 2 years ago

API updated in Core: 2.2.0

Delete your stuff if your not updating it. Give it to other people if you won't.