RedHat-Middleware-Workshops / dayinthelife-integration

Day in the Life Agile Integration Workshop
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Add a single reference page with links/passwords/etc #165

Open mbogoevici opened 5 years ago

mbogoevici commented 5 years ago

On the Agenda page, or as a separate 'Prerequisites' module, provide a list of all the links to the resources used in the lab: Apicurio, Gogs, 3scale, Microcks, Red Hat Solution Explorer, OpenShift and corresponding usernames and passwords - possibly lab instructions as well. This would provide an easy reference for the attendees as they navigate through the lab - and they can always return to it in case they need guidance on the various steps.

weimeilin79 commented 5 years ago

Security issue.

sigreen commented 5 years ago

Discussed with Marius. Requested that we reopen but NOT include password on the agenda page - just the links

weimeilin79 commented 5 years ago

The links are already in the Integreatly home page, and the links will not be the same depending on the host, should we just point to Integreatly home page?