RedHatDemos / SecurityDemos

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Lab 4 - OCP project is missing: ocp-workshop #474

Open darbyredhat opened 2 years ago

darbyredhat commented 2 years ago

The instructions for Lab 4, in the Continuous Integration section, it tells us to verify the project ocp-workshop is available. However, this project is not available.

I provisioned the workshop environments using RHPDS: Catalog > Security Demos and Workshops > Security with OCP for DevSecOps. I only have the following projects

Here's the screenshot

lkerner commented 2 years ago

@dzilbermanvmw @piggyvenus @rcarrata can one of you take a look at this and submit the PR accordingly? Thanks

rcarrata commented 2 years ago

@darbyredhat the lab4 is designed to work with admin user, because of the rbac and some of the tasks needs to have cluster-admin privileges. I've checked in one env in rhpds and for me with admin user, ocp-workshop is present. Can you please try with this user?

dzilbermanvmw commented 2 years ago

Lab 4 - ocp-workshop-project @darbyredhat: we are using the following repo for DevSecOps workshops: There is a pre-built lab in Red Hat RHPDS ( and (Beta) called "Security for DevSecOps" - both provision all components for the Labs and specifically include the "ocp-workshop" project accessible to "admin" user with cluster-admin access level as @rcarrata also pointed out above.