Closed ghost closed 11 years ago
JavaScript rh6pdwebjsInterface/src/main/webapp/tasks.html I think it may be worth putting a small delay in the iframe load detection function, such that it gives JBPM chance to refresh the human task and make it available in the server. If you call the tasks.html script manually then the form works.
Okay, thanks for reporting this, makes it possible to track this issue until it is resolved.
I think that what we need to do is to reproduce this issue with a rh6pd-processController unit test. If we can get a reproduction there, then it will be a lot easier to debug the web project. It may come down to reporting an issue with jbpm itself.
updated form.html with a 500ms sleep before it calls the tasks.html
code fragment from quote.html below showing use of setInterval.
var intervalID = window.setInterval(next, 500); }
next = function () { window.location = "tasks.html"; }
Issue now tested and closed.
The demo reliably fails on my fedora 16 box on the first pass from a clean start, as we were trying to fix wednesday. I've tested the JavaScript and at all works correctly bringing the tasks back when they are there, but the tasks just aren't showing up in the backend, so some form of JBPM bug I think. We should test on the new 5.3.1 and EAP 6 configuratuon.