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Juno should scroll found slides window when navigating with the arrow keys #57

Open jfenal-zz opened 11 years ago

jfenal-zz commented 11 years ago

Once a search gathering lots of slides, navigating with keyboard only does in the found slides indeed goes through all the slides, but fails to scroll the window to show the current slide. Only option is to get back to the mouse, scroll down, and continue going through slides with the arrow keys.

Resolution needed: scroll the slides window in order to show the active (highlighted) slide.

jim-minter commented 11 years ago

This works in chrome; unfortunately Firefox doesn't support the scrollIntoViewIfNeeded method. Implementing scrollIntoViewIfNeeded manually in Firefox seems to be fiddly because of the way extjs uses divs.

tenfourty commented 11 years ago

Jim, have you looked into using AngularJS to handle this sort of thing in the view layer - it takes care of all the cross browser crap for you...

BTW a cool Angular resource is here -