RedHatGov / redhatgov.workshops

This is a collection of Ansible-deployed workshop environments. Use it in combination with the student workbook content, from the repo at
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RHEL 8 AWS workshop: Change to use of aws.create role breaks deployment in region ap-southeast 2 #173

Closed benblasco closed 2 years ago

benblasco commented 2 years ago

The following change has removed previous commits which had added support for deploying the RHEL 8 workshop into AWS region ap-southeast-2. The previous commits can be seen here.

These changes were originally added to PR 162 and have been lost by the change in this commit.

I may need some advice on fixing this @ajacocks ? We may need to go back and do a diff between the now deleted aws.create role in this workshop and the version it refers to now. I will separately make the appropriate code changes for this week's workshop to run in ap-southeast-2 in a branch on my own fork.

benblasco commented 2 years ago

Here is the lost code I need to restore, but we may need to investigate further:

[bblasco@nuc redhatgov.workshops.20211111.working]$ diff rhel_aws/roles/aws.create/defaults/main.yml ../redhatgov.workshops/ansible_tower_aws/roles/aws.create/defaults/main.yml 
> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # instance_storage
> rhel_instance_vols: []
> #  - device_name:                  "/dev/sdf"  # startes with sdf
> #    volume_size:                  50          # gigabytes
> #    volume_type:                  "gp3"       # aws device type
> #    delete_on_termination:        "true"      # delete with the instance
> # defaults for workshop settings
> admin_rhel_count:     1
> student_count:        2
> student_nodes_count:  1
> force_dns:            "no"
<   ap-southeast-2:
<     rhel6:
<       # ami: "ami-0fcbf553f091053d7" # RHEL-6.10_HVM-20190524-x86_64-0-Hourly2-GP2 NOT AVAILABLE IN THIS REGION
<     rhel7:
< #      ami: "ami-04268981d7c33264d" # RHEL-7.5_HVM-20180813-x86_64-0-Access2-GP2
<       ami: "ami-864971e3" # RHEL-7.5_HVM_GA-JBEAP-7.1.2-20180629-x86_64-1-Access2-GP2 NOT AVAILABLE IN THIS REGION
<     rhel8:
< #      ami: "ami-0b2821bf4a7dba483" # RHEL-8.0_HVM-20190920-x86_64-0-Access2-GP2
< #      ami: "ami-0a54aef4ef3b5f881" # RHEL-8.2.0_HVM-20200423-x86_64-0-Hourly2-GP2 NOT AVAILABLE IN THIS REGION
<       ami: "ami-0810abbfb78d37cdf" # RHEL-8.2.0_HVM-20200423-x86_64-0-Hourly2-GP2 NOT AVAILABLE IN THIS REGION
<     win2016:
< #      ami: "ami-08b4a0f6e106c1dba" # Windows_Server-2016-English-Full-Base-2019.02.13 NOT AVAILABLE IN THIS REGION
<       ami: "ami-03808957a3743a18c" # Windows_Server-2016-English-Full-Base-2021.07.14 UNTESTED
< ...
benblasco commented 2 years ago

You can find my branch with proposed changes here:

ajacocks commented 2 years ago

Your fix was good. Merged and thanks!