RedHatGov / redhatgov.workshops

This is a collection of Ansible-deployed workshop environments. Use it in combination with the student workbook content, from the repo at
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AWS RHEL workshop provisioning failing at TASK [ to issue certs with session token] #177

Open benblasco opened 2 years ago

benblasco commented 2 years ago

Workshop provisioner failing at the mentioned step. Tested via native Fedora/RHEL deployment by my colleague Mark, and in container format by me. Logs attached appear to show a Create account key error.

Is this a transient issue or has something changed at the LetsEncrypt end? I see our code hasn't changed at all in 2022, and I deployed this workshop successfully earlier this month.

benblasco commented 2 years ago

Will share logs privately for review.

dmc5179 commented 2 years ago

@benblasco I'm not sure how the deployment of this workshop uses but I ran into an issue using earlier this year for something else. It turned out some dependencies in the tool had changed. I had to delete my git checkout of and any config files for it, clone the repo again and it worked right away. It seemed like my old checkout had the earlier dependencies or cache or something in it that was causing an issue.

benblasco commented 2 years ago

Hi @dmc5179 thanks for letting me know. This was a fresh checkout on a fresh fedora 35 VM and deployment was via a container. Will have a look again tomorrow. @ajacocks has a copy of the logs as they may contain sensitive data I cannot post here.

ajacocks commented 2 years ago

I’ll take a look at this and see what is going on.

benblasco commented 2 years ago

I made no changes and re-ran everything tonight, and it went through cleanly. Possibility of a transient issue with LetsEncrypt itself?