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Lab guides for a workshop on OpenShift Serverless (Knative)
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Lab1.4 Clarify to wait for the build to complete in step 2 #50

Closed theckang closed 3 years ago

theckang commented 3 years ago

If the user doesn't wait for the build to complete and tries to fetch the image, they might get a 404 error

theckang commented 3 years ago


[user8:~] $ HELLO_IMAGE_URI=$(oc get is hello-python --template='{{.status.dockerImageRepository}}')
[user8:~] $ kn service create hello-python --image $HELLO_IMAGE_URI --env TARGET=Python
Creating service 'hello-python' in namespace 'user8':

  0.050s The Configuration is still working to reflect the latest desired specification.
  0.063s The Route is still working to reflect the latest desired specification.
  0.104s Revision "hello-python-cbzzp-1" failed with message: Unable to fetch image "image-registry.openshi
ft-image-registry.svc:5000/user8/hello-python": failed to resolve image to digest: HEAD https://image-regis
try.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/v2/user8/hello-python/manifests/latest: unexpected status code 404 No
t Found (HEAD responses have no body, use GET for details).
  0.136s ...
  0.147s Configuration "hello-python" does not have any ready Revision.
Error: RevisionFailed: Revision "hello-python-cbzzp-1" failed with message: Unable to fetch image "image-re
gistry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/user8/hello-python": failed to resolve image to digest: HEAD https
://image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/v2/user8/hello-python/manifests/latest: unexpected stat
us code 404 Not Found (HEAD responses have no body, use GET for details).
andykrohg commented 3 years ago

No need for a HELLO_IMAGE_URI shell variable if you want to just use image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/%username%/hello-python to interpolate in the labguide markdown directly

jkeam commented 3 years ago


jkeam commented 3 years ago

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