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Languages for each project #139

Open aljesusg opened 6 years ago

aljesusg commented 6 years ago

Like opensource contributor would be great see the programming languages ​​of each repo, future contributors can search by program language to see in which projects can collaborate.

It's only add to the projects hash an array of languages and we can shown them with some opensource icon library like Devicon or font-mfizz with a tooltip with the languages.

What do you think?

Fryguy commented 6 years ago

Might be able to pull this information from GitHub itself - see

aljesusg commented 6 years ago

Hi @Fryguy ^^ nice to see you again, Yes we can pull the information my question is if I can do this improve.

Fryguy commented 6 years ago

@castastrophe Thoughts on this? I like the idea, but I'm not sure how to present it in a nice way.

frcr commented 3 years ago

I have somewhat workable solution for this, although I came up with a few questions regarding best approach.

tl;dr: Should we pull languages dynamically at every launch user-side or store them in repo, updating from time to time through commits?

1) The idea of this project seems for it to be self-contained, i.e. decoupled from external sources (apart from some external css's and fonts). Pulling individual language statistics per each repo from github API seems to break this restriction.

2) Github imposes a limit of 60/hour on the number of anonymous calls to its API. The number of required calls to pull language statistics far exceeds this. For authorized requests the limit goes up to 5000/hour, which would cover our needs, but requires a token.

3) My current solution, while solving the aforementioned problems, suffers from its own: I have a python script that pulls down all the needed info once and updates all the projects in the ./app/data/projects.json file with an additional field "languages" showing their names and usage percentages per project (for multirepo projects it's percentage across all repos). This allows for perfect decoupling and removes the whole token/authorization burden from the end user. But it will require periodic updates from maintainers and whoever adds a new project to the list will have to either provide their own data or launch the script once so that it updates the newly added project with language statistics.

I updated the dynamictable.html template to accommodate for this new field. I'm not a designer, so it ain't pretty, but not eye-bleedingly ugly either.

bproffitt commented 3 years ago

Okay, so the point of this page is to highlight projects in which Red Hat participates. Adding language information is helpful, but if we go this direction, now the site becomes more utilitarian in its mission. To be clear, this is not a bad thing. In fact, there is an upcoming effort from my team that will be highlighting lots of projects for ease of onboarding, so this feature could be ported to or from that project's outlet.

FirdausJawed commented 2 years ago

Is this issue is for adding the highlights of the projects in which red hat is participating?

can i work upon it?

can you tell me where to get started?

really interested in this project