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ADD follow section in footer #277

Open jaiswalpalak opened 3 years ago

jaiswalpalak commented 3 years ago

I will add a follow section in your footer in which i will add some buttons of instagram, twitter , facebook and so on so can you assign me this please! Like this: Screenshot (508)

jaiswalpalak commented 3 years ago

@castastrophe can i work on this issue ? please assign this to me

castastrophe commented 3 years ago

We are not making any design changes to the site at this time but I will be sure to share the design suggestion with the team when a redesign is scheduled.

prsmahajan commented 3 years ago

Hi, I would like to work on this issue, can you suggest me ways to get started?

castastrophe commented 3 years ago

@prsmahajan I appreciate your offer however see the thread above. We are not making any redesign updates at this time.

prsmahajan commented 3 years ago

What means onhold?