RedHatOfficial / ocp4-vsphere-upi-automation

Automates most of the manual steps of deploying OCP4.x cluster on vSphere
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folder creation vmware #111

Open jeromeza opened 2 weeks ago

jeromeza commented 2 weeks ago

Default behaviour is to create your cluster in a cluster named folder in VMware, however this becomes an issue in VMware clusters where you have no permissions to do so - e.g. you have access to one absolute folder and that's that (you can't create any sub folders underneath it).

Older versions of this playbook had a folder_absolute_path you could set, which avoided this behaviour.

What's the easiest way to turn off folder creation and just have VMs deploy to a base folder you set?

jeromeza commented 2 weeks ago

So far I've achieved this (I think partially as I keep breaking things) by setting these in the ./clusters/cluster.yaml file:

  parent_folder: "...."
  folder_absolute_path: '....'

Then in the ./roles/vsphere_vm/tasks/main.yml by adjusting the vSphere folder creations:

    - name: Create the vCenter folder by the same name as the cluster, only if it doesn't exist
        hostname: "{{ vcenter.ip }}"
        username: "{{ vcenter.username }}"
        password: "{{ vcenter.password }}"
        datacenter_name: "{{ vcenter.datacenter }}"
        validate_certs: no
        folder_name: "{{ item[0] }}"
        folder_type: vm
        parent_folder: "{{ item[1] if item[1] not in ['', '/'] else omit }}"
        state: present
      loop: "{{ path_pairs }}"
  when: 0 > 1
    #when: vcenter.parent_folder is defined and vcenter.parent_folder is string

- name: Create the vCenter folder by the same name as the cluster, only if it doesn't exist
    hostname: "{{ vcenter.ip }}"
    username: "{{ vcenter.username }}"
    password: "{{ vcenter.password }}"
    datacenter_name: "{{ vcenter.datacenter }}"
    validate_certs: no
    folder_name: "{{ cluster }}"
    folder_type: vm
    parent_folder: "{{ parent_folder | default(omit) }}"
    state: present
  when: 0 > 1

Is there an easier, better, safer way of accomplishing this?