RedHatProductSecurity / cvelib

A Python library and command line interface for CVE Services.
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CVE JSON Validation failure of certain CVSS 4 scores #87

Open trolldbois opened 1 week ago

trolldbois commented 1 week ago

The attached file was generated with CVE-0000-1234.json

cvelib fails when trying to validate that file.

from cvelib import cve_api
import json
filename = 'CVE-0000-1234.json'
record_data_json = json.load(open(filename,'r'))
    cve_api.CveRecord.validate(record_data_json, cve_api.CveRecord.Schemas.V5_SCHEMA)
except cve_api.CveRecordValidationError as e:
    print('Failure - CVSS base score validation error')

A deep dive seems to point to a failure in the jsonschema dependency ( see ) , where jsonschema fails to validate a number in a range. The error comes back as "7.1 is not a multiple of 0.1"

trolldbois commented 1 week ago

The issue has a solution here:

The solution is to load json files with parse_float=decimal.Decimal

trolldbois commented 1 week ago

Deep down, the error boils to cvss v4 base Score comparison to being a multiple of 0.1 :

# jsonschema._keywords:L172
# quotient = instance / dB
# where instance == 7.1 and dB == 0.1
>>> 7.1/0.1

This fails the verification (L174) that int(70.9999..) == 70.9999... And therefore the baseScore in CVSS 4 fails validation.

trolldbois commented 5 days ago

On Apr 18 2024 , CVEProject/cve-schema seems to have partially fixed/avoided this problem by changing the cvssv4 schema scoreType to list all decimal values, instead of using multipleOf

Conclusion: There is a new json schema for cvss v4 that also fixes this problem by removing the usage of multipleOf, therefore avoiding the "float bug"

mprpic commented 2 hours ago

Updated to the latest schema files in the linked PR; the 5.1.0 schema that was included in cvelib was I guess still the RC version. I tested the record attached here against the newer schema and it validates correctly.