RedHatProductSecurity / cvss

CVSS2/3/4 library with interactive calculator for Python 2 and Python 3
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Wrong result in CVSS4 cause of round result #58

Closed Xsze closed 1 month ago

Xsze commented 1 month ago

Hello, i've found a bug with your CVSS4 results due to how python handle the round result.


1 2

in this exemple the final score before round = 0.95

skontar commented 1 month ago

Hi. Just wanted to let you know that we are aware of possible slight rounding differences due to incomplete rounding requirements. We have a plan to use equivalent rounding mechanisms in both implementation and updating specification, possibly in a similar fashion as in CVSS v3.1.

Xsze commented 1 month ago

Hello, thanks for the feedback.

It will be a good thing cause right now the python script seems to use an AwayFromZero mid point function, the online one a basic ToEven mid point rounding and the First's oneline calculator don't even use a function to round the result and let javascript decide how to handle the output (seems like a ToZero mid point based on my tests)

All of this without speaking of the errors introduced from the floats variables who influence result in some case