If there is no yarn.lock or package-lock.json, then process the node_modules directory manually.
Along the lines of:
for modules in node_modules./* {
output = append(output, {modules[name] modules[version]})
This should also account for any transient dependencies too by processing everything in the main node_modules directory.
Not sure yet the best way to approach this, but prob the safest will be to just apply this logic recursively i think, that should be ok and give the best results.
If there is no yarn.lock or package-lock.json, then process the node_modules directory manually.
Along the lines of:
This should also account for any transient dependencies too by processing everything in the main node_modules directory.
Not sure yet the best way to approach this, but prob the safest will be to just apply this logic recursively i think, that should be ok and give the best results.