RedHatSatellite / satellite-clone

Utility to assist cloning an existing Satellite 6 server to a new host
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add custom module to parse YAML in config file #370

Closed johnpmitsch closed 4 years ago

johnpmitsch commented 4 years ago

For Satellite answers and other configs, it helps if we have a way to parse the yaml config files inside the tarball. This commit adds that custom module and updates a place where we parse the configs from the shell.

johnpmitsch commented 4 years ago

You can add this or similar commands to the top of roles/satellite-clone/tasks/main.yml and run the playbook to test. It will abort before changes are made because of the fail command

- name: get answer value
    tarball: "{{ config_files_path }}"
    target_file: "{{ satellite_answers_path }}"
    keys: ["foreman_proxy", "dhcp"]
  register: dhcp_answer

- name: get answer value
    tarball: "{{ config_files_path }}"
    target_file: "{{ satellite_answers_path }}"
    keys: ["certs", "generate"]
  register: certs_generate_answer

- name: get answer value
    tarball: "{{ config_files_path }}"
    target_file: "{{ satellite_answers_path }}"
    keys: ["foreman::plugin::tasks", "package"]
  register: plugin_tasks

# uncomment to test key not found error
#- name: answer value doesn't exist
#  get_value_from_yaml_in_tarball:
#    tarball: "{{ config_files_path }}"
#    target_file: "{{ satellite_answers_path }}"
#    keys: ["bologna", "sandwich"]
#  register: plugin_tasks

# Identify hostname from backup config file
- name: Identify the hostname from the backup config tar file
    tarball: "{{ config_files_path }}"
    target_file: "etc/foreman-proxy/settings.yml"
    keys: [":foreman_url"]
  register: config_url

- name: Set backup_hostname variable
    backup_hostname: "{{ config_url.value | urlsplit('hostname') }}"

- debug:
    msg: "dhcp: {{ dhcp_answer.value }}, certs_generate: {{ certs_generate_answer.value }}, plugin_tasks: {{ plugin_tasks.value }}, backup_hostname: {{ backup_hostname }}"

- debug:
    msg: "I should not be printing because the value is false"
  when: dhcp_answer.value

- debug:
    msg: I should be printing because the value is true
  when: certs_generate_answer.value

- fail:
    msg: "aborting early since only testing"
johnpmitsch commented 4 years ago

This module will be used more in

johnpmitsch commented 4 years ago

All passed on dolly:            : ok=21   changed=16   unreachable=0    failed=0            : ok=21   changed=16   unreachable=0    failed=0            : ok=21   changed=16   unreachable=0    failed=0             : ok=21   changed=16   unreachable=0    failed=0