RedHatter / Graveyard

A plugin for the Hearthstone Deck Tracker that displays minions that have died.
39 stars 22 forks source link

Problems with HDT v1.5.x due to MahApps.Metro upgrade. #24

Closed azeier closed 6 years ago

azeier commented 6 years ago

With HDT v1.5.0 MahApps.Metro was updated to 1.5.0, which sadly breaks the settings button in your case.

7:26:51 PM|Error|PluginWrapper.OnButtonPress >> Graveyard
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void MahApps.Metro.Controls.Flyout.set_Header(System.String)'.
   at HDT.Plugins.Graveyard.SettingsView.CreateSettingsFlyout()
   at HDT.Plugins.Graveyard.SettingsView.get_Flyout()
   at HDT.Plugins.Graveyard.GraveyardPlugin.OnButtonPress()
   at Hearthstone_Deck_Tracker.Plugins.PluginWrapper.OnButtonPress() in D:\GitHub\Hearthstone-Deck-Tracker\Hearthstone Deck Tracker\Plugins\PluginWrapper.cs:line 144

Original issue on HDT:

Dushku commented 6 years ago

judge 2020 has released a fix here:

RedHatter commented 6 years ago

Merged Judge2020's fix.