RedHatter / Graveyard

A plugin for the Hearthstone Deck Tracker that displays minions that have died.
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Download new version #44

Closed chWolfgang closed 4 years ago

chWolfgang commented 5 years ago

Noob question: I noticed that there are updates to the master, but no new download for over a year. How do I install the new version? Thanks for the help and for making the new version.

Supergecki commented 5 years ago

Hello there! Normally, RedHatter would have to release a new version (because just he has write access). If you want to use the new version now, I could send you a copy of the zip folder.

Now you can install it as you would do with other plugins. I hope it works!

chWolfgang commented 5 years ago

TYVM!! I don't have time to test it right now, but it seems to work. Is MASS RESURRECTION supported as a resurrection card? Thanks again for your time. I love this addon!

Supergecki commented 5 years ago

No, Mass Resurrection isn't supported by now. I wonder whether Catrina Muerte should be added? But thanks for the suggestion. Maybe I'll publish a version with those cards (and Witching Hour).

chWolfgang commented 5 years ago

I think adding all of those would be great. (But I don't have to do the work :) ) Did you see today's announcement? I think Resurrect is going to be around as mechanic for a while. There is going to be a new nutural legendary that will resurrect friendly cards that died this turn. Outside of the scope of this add-on but shows Blizz's interest in the mechanic.

Supergecki commented 5 years ago

Pull request is out, added Witching Hour and both RoS resurrection cards. View the pull request here.