RedMadRobot / figma-export

Command line utility to export colors, typography, icons and images from Figma to Xcode / Android Studio project
MIT License
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different result on different macs #198

Closed ink1804 closed 1 year ago

ink1804 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I don't know why, but I have the different name of icons on different macbooks. I have an icon like this

Снимок экрана 2022-12-07 в 18 37 58

On my own macbook I have this result info com.redmadrobot.figma-export.vector-drawable-converter : Converting file: /private/var/folders/m1/_zg8dh7x1qx3t_t2gghq19p00000gn/T/43FAE274-4526-4B9A-97CA-AF52C5A70865/ic_24_social_instagram_bw_stroke.svg On ci/cd macbook I have this info com.redmadrobot.figma-export.vector-drawable-converter : Converting file: /private/var/folders/ht/v4qsf_4x3h31cl2rn16mxf200000gp/T/2B299757-EE4F-4D31-B1B3-AC9693CEBF3A/ic_24_social_instagram_b_w_stroke.svg The different in BW word. Other icons with caps words have the same difference: single word vs snake_case Both macbooks have the same figma-export version 0.37.0

Could you help me to solve this problem?