RedNax67 / MMM-WunderGround

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Wunderground doesn't grant API keys any further #37

Open lgreerduo opened 6 years ago

lgreerduo commented 6 years ago

Wunderground doesn't grant API keys any further. While existing key will continue to work for a short amount of time, the future is unclear.


jfisher446 commented 6 years ago

This module is now unusable for newcomers. From WeatherUnderground's new API page:

To improve our services and enhance our relationship with our users, we will no longer provide free weather API keys as part of our program. If you have been directed to download our Weather Underground free API key by a third party provider, please contact your vendor for resolution.

goedh452 commented 5 years ago

WU discontinued the whole API now, not only for new uses. So unfortunately this module cannot be used anymore.

Obelix74Git commented 5 years ago

It’s quite a shame that WU is stopping with their API. Lots of MM Modules are using this API. Recently I created a MM where MMM-WUnderGround takes an prominent part in. Is it possible to modify MMM-WUnderground so it keeps working with another API provider?

leveneg commented 5 years ago

Very much considering forking this and finding a new datasource / api. There's a good roundup in this reddit thread, but if anyone has any other suggestions I'd really like to hear them.