When Asai reports an error, the diagnostics are attached to the string source like this:
→ error[(Reporter.Message.Tree_not_found foo-0006)]
ꭍ ○ when expanding tree at address `foo-0004`
■ ./trees/foo-0004.tree
1 | \import{foo-0006}
^ Could not find tree named `foo-0006'
I find myself in the position where it would be really useful if I could use the range to look up nodes in the syntax tree.
Nick Hu once sent a patch implementing an LSP server for Forester that contained the following function:
let inside = fun (located : 'a Range.located) ->
match located.loc with
| Some loc -> begin
match Range.view loc with
| `Range (start, end_) ->
let within (a, b) x = a <= x && x <= b in
within (start.line_num, end_.line_num ) (pos.line + 1)
&& within ((start.offset - start.start_of_line), (end_.offset - end_.start_of_line - 1)) pos.character
| _ -> false
| None -> false
I did not think through the arithmetic, but conceptually, this is the right way to do this, right? Or is there a more elegant way using more library functions?
When Asai reports an error, the diagnostics are attached to the string source like this:
I find myself in the position where it would be really useful if I could use the range to look up nodes in the syntax tree.
Nick Hu once sent a patch implementing an LSP server for Forester that contained the following function:
I did not think through the arithmetic, but conceptually, this is the right way to do this, right? Or is there a more elegant way using more library functions?