Open OlhaVatsyk opened 1 week ago
Description As a guest, I want to be able to register on the platform as a teacher so that I can start offering my teaching services.
Precondition: The guest must not be registered as a student or teacher. Navigate to the registration page:
Acceptance Criteria Ensure the User is able to:
Complete the registration form, which includes fields for:
View a placeholder in each field to guide them on the expected input.
Fill out all required fields and check the checkbox "Я преподователь" to proceed with registration as a teacher.
Enter a name containing only letters, numbers, and the @/./+/-/_ symbols.
Create a password that is at least eight characters long and is not overly familiar.
View an error message next to any field that requires correction if they attempt to submit the form with invalid or incomplete data.
Receive a confirmation message upon successful registration and be redirected to their personal control panel as a teacher.
It looks good to me.
I approve too.
Description As a guest, I want to be able to register on the platform as a teacher so that I can start offering my teaching services.
Precondition: The guest must not be registered as a student or teacher. Navigate to the registration page:
Acceptance Criteria Ensure the User is able to:
Complete the registration form, which includes fields for:
View a placeholder in each field to guide them on the expected input.
Fill out all required fields and check the checkbox "Я преподователь" to proceed with registration as a teacher.
Enter a name containing only letters, numbers, and the @/./+/-/_ symbols.
Create a password that is at least eight characters long and is not overly familiar.
View an error message next to any field that requires correction if they attempt to submit the form with invalid or incomplete data.
Receive a confirmation message upon successful registration and be redirected to their personal control panel as a teacher.