Redgram / redgram-for-reddit

An Open-Sourced Android Reddit Client
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Organizing releases and splitting work #6

Closed mhdatie closed 7 years ago

mhdatie commented 8 years ago

Hey all, I will be attempting to look at open source builds so that whenever code is committed, we want to make sure no one breaks the build or create a merge conflict. This is bound to happen as more people will be working on this project.

Also, I would like to suggest following this branching model Please go through when you have the time.

We should work in parallel. As soon as you are comfortable with the code, we will start splitting teams and create branches for bug fixes, enhancements and new features.

This should be a good experience to everyone, and I'm excited about it.

Please, if you run into the app and find issues, create an issue immediately and explain what the problem is, not what the code does, the latter should be explained in the comments as we are debugging the issue.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions.

mhdatie commented 8 years ago

I'm currently looking at Travis CI. I have no experience in it but I'm looking to integrate it with Slack as well. Let me know if you have better suggestions.

If you have experience in Travis, let us know.

ScottCooper92 commented 8 years ago

Circle CI integrates with Github quite nicely:

mhdatie commented 8 years ago

Travis is set up on the dev branch but lint is complaining about Java 8 lambas as I'm using them for RxJava. I tried the workaround suggested in retrolamda repo but with no luck.. So it's a gradle issue

williamwebb commented 8 years ago

@MohamadAtieh could you link to the failed builds?

mhdatie commented 8 years ago

You can click on the build tag next to the title in the README file

mhdatie commented 8 years ago

Go to the travis.yml file in root and run the script provided there locally on your terminal you will see the exact cause of the fail... It's a lint exception

mhdatie commented 8 years ago

I was able to run the build successfully on my local machine. Solved the lambda complaints but not the full lint report. Things like unused parameters or SDK specific methods were reported and they can be found in Redgram/app/build/outputs/lint-results-debug.html.

I will commit the changes but Travis will fail since I haven't added the commands to start an adb before running the script. I am currently looking at how to do that locally, with the help of this SO question

mhdatie commented 8 years ago

Now that we got the Travis part to work, I'm looking into creating a Slack account and link the builds to it.

mhdatie commented 8 years ago

Invite link to slack

Let me know if it's expired to create a new one.