Redi2Go / PhotonicEngine

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Lack of settings #9

Open KartoffelL opened 2 weeks ago

KartoffelL commented 2 weeks ago

This project is very impressive and interesting, but (for me personally) there is a lack of settings. Not only would they make it possible to play around even more😉, but they would also make it easier to pinpoint bugs (especially now in the beta phase).

There is plenty of space left on the modmenu-settings page!

-Kartoffel Licht

Redi2Go commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, thank you for your kind and interesting feedback. I'm currently working on making my mod compatible with BSL-Shaders (including all of the customizability). Do you have any concrete settings in mind that ate not covered by BSL Settings?

PS: I bodget the last release, try disabling View Bobbing

KartoffelL commented 2 weeks ago

Well I assume BSL covers most artistic stuff I had in mind, but raytracing-related stuff can defenetly be included. Exact settings can vary from implementation to implementation but there will defenetly be a "MAX_BOUNCES" (which is set to 1 I assume? there is this bug where everything reflective isn't visible inside a refrelction) or a "SAMPLES_PER_FRAME" which could be altered to balance performance.

Also I can imagine there could be a 'voxelGridResolution' for texturepacks with different textures (if not autodetected (if models are actually not artist-authored))

Whilsts I'd keep things like 'Blocklightcolor' and PBR stuff in ressourcepacks, future stuff defenetly would need plenty of settings, like smooth shadows, colored shadows (through glass, things with tinted transparent textures), caustics (ok maybe no simulated caustics they're just a pain).

Also 'Super Secret Settings' would be fun (not just to explore, but to actually program), including things like 'White World', 'Wobely World', "Reflective World", variouse lens distorsions, "Spooky world", etc.. Emphasis on the raytracing-related effects here, since many should be in BSL (I didnt check)

I also have no clue if a potential 'setting' is just removing a 'final' modifier from a variable or a difficult to implement feature, sooo... Just add stuff to the settings menu that already is easy to add!

-Kartoffel Licht

Redi2Go commented 1 week ago

I like the 'Super Secret Settings' idea a lot; there are many interesting visual bugs that I've encountered during development :) As for the other visual effects: Performance is what has guided the entire design and development process of this mod, and since I have not yet discovered a way to implement Soft Shadows, Colored Shadows or Caustics (oh, god) in a performant way, I can't really tell you when and if I'm going to implement those features. But I have added them to my To-do list nevertheless!

Fun fact: Photonics doesn't use a Denoiser (hence the low Ray bounce depth)

Thanks, Redi2Go