RediSearch / RediSearch

A query and indexing engine for Redis, providing secondary indexing, full-text search, vector similarity search and aggregations.
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Redis 6.2.13 crashed by signal: 4, si_code: 2 #4402

Open zahidekilic opened 7 months ago

zahidekilic commented 7 months ago

I'm new to redis and redisearch ecosystem. I'm running redis on a docker container with the command below:

docker run -it --sysctl net.core.somaxconn=4096 --network=mynet -p 6379:6379 --name myredis redislabs/redisearch:latest

from python I'm pushing a vector database to redis. There is no problem with it. But while I was searching the newly pushed vectors redis crashes with the logs below. I'm a on a production host which is AlmaLinux release 8.9 (Midnight Oncilla).

here is the crash log. Thanks for responses

1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:51.920 # Redis 6.2.13 crashed by signal: 4, si_code: 2 1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:51.920 # Crashed running the instruction at: 0x7f19d4570829

------ STACK TRACE ------ EIP: /usr/lib/redis/modules/[0x7f19d4570829]

Backtrace: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f19d525b140] redis-server :6379(invalidFunctionWasCalled+0x0)[0x560db9e4b7a0] /usr/lib/redis/modules/[0x7f19d45708a9] /usr/lib/redis/modules/[0x7f19d4544dbe] /usr/lib/redis/modules/[0x7f19d4545496] /usr/lib/redis/modules/[0x7f19d453b9f4] /usr/lib/redis/modules/[0x7f19d44ba908] /usr/lib/redis/modules/[0x7f19d44e538c] /usr/lib/redis/modules/[0x7f19d44e56a5] /usr/lib/redis/modules/[0x7f19d44e5c30] /usr/lib/redis/modules/[0x7f19d44e5718] /usr/lib/redis/modules/[0x7f19d4489642] /usr/lib/redis/modules/[0x7f19d4489d39] /usr/lib/redis/modules/[0x7f19d448a4d8] redis-server :6379(RedisModuleCommandDispatcher+0x53)[0x560db9e860e3] redis-server :6379(call+0xdb)[0x560db9dfa37b] redis-server :6379(processCommand+0x5a3)[0x560db9dfbff3] redis-server :6379(processInputBuffer+0xf8)[0x560db9e0f9e8] redis-server :6379(+0xfcc78)[0x560db9ea7c78] redis-server :6379(aeProcessEvents+0x292)[0x560db9df2e82] redis-server :6379(aeMain+0x1d)[0x560db9df30ed] redis-server :6379(main+0x316)[0x560db9def306] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f19d5097d0a] redis-server :6379(_start+0x2a)[0x560db9def7da]

------ REGISTERS ------ 1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:51.923 # RAX:00007f19d0e55a48 RBX:0000000000000000 RCX:00007f19d10767a4 RDX:0000000000000180 RDI:00007f19d0e55448 RSI:00007ffe067fa910 RBP:00007f19d4d0d548 RSP:00007ffe067fa888 R8 :0000000000000208 R9 :00007f19d4c033f8 R10:00007f19d506e778 R11:0000000000000012 R12:00007ffe067faf60 R13:00007f19d4dba1c8 R14:00007f19d4c585b8 R15:00007ffe067fa910 RIP:00007f19d4570829 EFL:0000000000010287 CSGSFS:002b000000000033 1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:51.923 # (00007ffe067fa897) -> 0000000000000000 1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:51.923 # (00007ffe067fa896) -> 00007f19d4c58480 1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:51.923 # (00007ffe067fa895) -> 00007f19d4d0d548 1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:51.923 # (00007ffe067fa894) -> 00007f19d4c2b1b8 1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:51.923 # (00007ffe067fa893) -> 00007ffe067fafd0 1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:51.923 # (00007ffe067fa892) -> 00007f19d4d608a0 1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:51.923 # (00007ffe067fa891) -> 0000560dbad977a0 1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:51.923 # (00007ffe067fa890) -> 00007f19d47ed0f0 1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:51.923 # (00007ffe067fa88f) -> 00007f19d5257c00 1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:51.923 # (00007ffe067fa88e) -> 0000560dbad977a8 1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:51.923 # (00007ffe067fa88d) -> 00007f19d10767a4 1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:51.923 # (00007ffe067fa88c) -> 00007ffe067faf58 1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:51.923 # (00007ffe067fa88b) -> 000000000000000b 1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:51.923 # (00007ffe067fa88a) -> 00007f19d4544dbe 1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:51.923 # (00007ffe067fa889) -> 0000000000000000 1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:51.923 # (00007ffe067fa888) -> 00007f19d45708a9

------ INFO OUTPUT ------


redis_version:6.2.13 redis_git_sha1:00000000 redis_git_dirty:0 redis_build_id:6a48f422b940fd75 redis_mode:standalone os:Linux 4.18.0-513.11.1.el8_9.x86_64 x86_64 arch_bits:64 monotonic_clock:POSIX clock_gettime multiplexing_api:epoll atomicvar_api:c11-builtin gcc_version:10.2.1 process_id:1 process_supervised:no run_id:542e1a5f0d8bc746b7c8e1ac7c02ccff787506d1 tcp_port:6379 server_time_usec:1706519631919864 uptime_in_seconds:68 uptime_in_days:0 hz:10 configured_hz:10 lru_clock:12020815 executable:/data/redis-server config_file: io_threads_active:0


connected_clients:1 cluster_connections:0 maxclients:10000 client_recent_max_input_buffer:24 client_recent_max_output_buffer:0 blocked_clients:0 tracking_clients:0 clients_in_timeout_table:0


used_memory:3457888 used_memory_human:3.30M used_memory_rss:17670144 used_memory_rss_human:16.85M used_memory_peak:3881016 used_memory_peak_human:3.70M used_memory_peak_perc:89.10% used_memory_overhead:928816 used_memory_startup:907744 used_memory_dataset:2529072 used_memory_dataset_perc:99.17% allocator_allocated:3896768 allocator_active:4296704 allocator_resident:6868992 total_system_memory:8058515456 total_system_memory_human:7.51G used_memory_lua:30720 used_memory_lua_human:30.00K used_memory_scripts:0 used_memory_scripts_human:0B number_of_cached_scripts:0 maxmemory:0 maxmemory_human:0B maxmemory_policy:noeviction allocator_frag_ratio:1.10 allocator_frag_bytes:399936 allocator_rss_ratio:1.60 allocator_rss_bytes:2572288 rss_overhead_ratio:2.57 rss_overhead_bytes:10801152 mem_fragmentation_ratio:5.19 mem_fragmentation_bytes:14265080 mem_not_counted_for_evict:0 mem_replication_backlog:0 mem_clients_slaves:0 mem_clients_normal:20504 mem_aof_buffer:0 mem_allocator:jemalloc-5.1.0 active_defrag_running:0 lazyfree_pending_objects:0 lazyfreed_objects:0


loading:0 current_cow_size:0 current_cow_size_age:0 current_fork_perc:0.00 current_save_keys_processed:0 current_save_keys_total:0 rdb_changes_since_last_save:34 rdb_bgsave_in_progress:0 rdb_last_save_time:1706519563 rdb_last_bgsave_status:ok rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec:-1 rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec:-1 rdb_last_cow_size:0 aof_enabled:0 aof_rewrite_in_progress:0 aof_rewrite_scheduled:0 aof_last_rewrite_time_sec:-1 aof_current_rewrite_time_sec:-1 aof_last_bgrewrite_status:ok aof_last_write_status:ok aof_last_cow_size:0 module_fork_in_progress:0 module_fork_last_cow_size:0


total_connections_received:12 total_commands_processed:73 instantaneous_ops_per_sec:0 total_net_input_bytes:45782 total_net_output_bytes:20398 instantaneous_input_kbps:0.00 instantaneous_output_kbps:0.00 rejected_connections:0 sync_full:0 sync_partial_ok:0 sync_partial_err:0 expired_keys:0 expired_stale_perc:0.00 expired_time_cap_reached_count:0 expire_cycle_cpu_milliseconds:1 evicted_keys:0 keyspace_hits:11 keyspace_misses:0 pubsub_channels:0 pubsub_patterns:0 latest_fork_usec:0 total_forks:0 migrate_cached_sockets:0 slave_expires_tracked_keys:0 active_defrag_hits:0 active_defrag_misses:0 active_defrag_key_hits:0 active_defrag_key_misses:0 tracking_total_keys:0 tracking_total_items:0 tracking_total_prefixes:0 unexpected_error_replies:0 total_error_replies:25 dump_payload_sanitizations:0 total_reads_processed:84 total_writes_processed:72 io_threaded_reads_processed:0 io_threaded_writes_processed:0


role:master connected_slaves:0 master_failover_state:no-failover master_replid:b8e2b256d794b6a429191fb5fd9bcf5b446ffe9e master_replid2:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 master_repl_offset:0 second_repl_offset:-1 repl_backlog_active:0 repl_backlog_size:1048576 repl_backlog_first_byte_offset:0 repl_backlog_histlen:0


used_cpu_sys:0.112307 used_cpu_user:0.123880 used_cpu_sys_children:0.004418 used_cpu_user_children:0.003021 used_cpu_sys_main_thread:0.108948 used_cpu_user_main_thread:0.122417


module:name=ReJSON,ver=999999,api=1,filters=0,usedby=[search],using=[],options=[handle-io-errors] module:name=search,ver=20613,api=1,filters=0,usedby=[],using=[ReJSON],options=[handle-io-errors]


cmdstat_module:calls=12,usec=54,usec_per_call=4.50,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=0 cmdstat_FT.CREATE:calls=1,usec=2043,usec_per_call=2043.00,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=0 cmdstat_info:calls=13,usec=184,usec_per_call=14.15,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=0 cmdstat_hset:calls=11,usec=7925,usec_per_call=720.45,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=0 cmdstat_FT.INFO:calls=12,usec=1319,usec_per_call=109.92,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1 cmdstat_client:calls=24,usec=238,usec_per_call=9.92,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=24


errorstat_ERR:count=24 errorstat_Unknown:count=1





------ CLIENT LIST OUTPUT ------ id=20 addr= laddr= fd=8 name= age=9 idle=0 flags=N db=0 sub=0 psub=0 multi=-1 qbuf=1802 qbuf-free=39152 argv-mem=1678 obl=0 oll=0 omem=0 tot-mem=63278 events=r cmd=FT.SEARCH user=default redir=-1

------ CURRENT CLIENT INFO ------ id=20 addr= laddr= fd=8 name= age=9 idle=0 flags=N db=0 sub=0 psub=0 multi=-1 qbuf=1802 qbuf-free=39152 argv-mem=1678 obl=0 oll=0 omem=0 tot-mem=63278 events=r cmd=FT.SEARCH user=default redir=-1 argv[0]: 'FT.SEARCH' argv[1]: 'myasistan' argv[2]: '()=>[KNN 5 @contentvector $vector AS distance]' argv[3]: 'RETURN' argv[4]: '2' argv[5]: 'content' argv[6]: 'source' argv[7]: 'SORTBY' argv[8]: 'distance' argv[9]: 'ASC' argv[10]: 'DIALECT' argv[11]: '2' argv[12]: 'LIMIT' argv[13]: '0' argv[14]: '5' argv[15]: 'params' argv[16]: '2' argv[17]: 'vector' argv[18]: 'W]j<▒"▒▒6޻▒▒▒?▒QD▒▒}▒= ▒▒▒▒▒|=▒▒▒;▒D=gV▒▒dɼ?▒ ▒▒W;▒▒▒<▒▒▒װZ=▒▒7▒½▒輕▒▒;▒▒▒<Q3F▒▒ұ▒▒C▒▒▒&▒<▒▒;▒%▒▒=M▒:▒▒װ<}͸=▒ּ/?X▒w~▒==3<▒t▒▒▒▒7▒P==J=f▒▒J▒y▒s▒▒܎▒(▒▒<▒▒I=▒▒▒▒[▒▒▒▒▒<輒7 ▒L▒▒▒j▒,▒▒▒߼?▒▒<3W▒▒▒x▒G▒<d0=▒@O▒▒@=▒▒=▒▒z=▒Nc▒▒▒V<=▒▒<▒▒▒;▒L▒^ =▒▒j▒▒a=▒Qi=▒▒;Ek▒▒▒▒▒▒[P▒{▒▒2=▒▒<▒▒▒▒▒<▒;▒3▒m-J▒▒▒= ▒.▒▒▒▒:▒ ▒W;y▒6;哼▒z▒<o▒/=H ▒=▒▒▒▒bX▒▒▒▒=▒%▒▒}▒▒N0=)▒N▒▒▒▒Uf]<▒ͥ▒▒Q=+ =▒<▒<▒ ▒<w▒=▒▒<▒▒=▒X<'▒2▒O▒=▒▒n<tּ▒(J=▒&▒ ^{▒;=^'



ReJSON_trace: 0: redis_module::base_info_func at /root/.cargo/registry/src/ 1: rejson::info_func at /root/.cargo/registry/src/ 2: modulesCollectInfo at /usr/src/redis/src/module.c:7100:9 3: logModulesInfo at /usr/src/redis/src/debug.c:1624:22 4: printCrashReport at /usr/src/redis/src/debug.c:1896:5 sigsegvHandler at /usr/src/redis/src/debug.c:1878:5 5: 6: _Z35FP32_InnerProductSIMD16Ext_SSE_implPKvS0_m at /build/deps/VectorSimilarity/src/VecSim/spaces/IP/IP_SSE_FP32.cpp:21:19 7: _Z30FP32_InnerProductSIMD16Ext_SSEPKvS0_m at /build/deps/VectorSimilarity/src/VecSim/spaces/IP/IP_SSE_FP32.cpp:55:54 8: _ZNK15BruteForceIndexIffE18computeBlockScoresEP11VectorBlockPKvPvP22VecSimQueryResult_Code at /build/deps/VectorSimilarity/src/VecSim/algorithms/brute_force/brute_force.h:224:27 9: _ZN15BruteForceIndexIffE9topKQueryEPKvmP17VecSimQueryParams at /build/deps/VectorSimilarity/src/VecSim/algorithms/brute_force/brute_force.h:258:14 10: VecSimIndex_TopKQuery at /build/deps/VectorSimilarity/src/VecSim/vec_sim.cpp:225:57 11: prepareResults at /build/src/hybrid_reader.c:224:11 HR_ReadKnnUnsorted at /build/src/hybrid_reader.c:315:5 12: rpidxNext at /build/src/result_processor.c:94:10 13: rpMetricsNext at /build/src/result_processor.c:271:8 14: rpsortNext_innerLoop at /build/src/result_processor.c:400:12 rpsortNext_Accum at /build/src/result_processor.c:496:16 15: rploaderNext at /build/src/result_processor.c:674:12 16: sendChunk at /build/src/aggregate/aggregate_exec.c:254:8 17: AREQ_Execute at /build/src/aggregate/aggregate_exec.c:329:3 18: execCommandCommon at /build/src/aggregate/aggregate_exec.c:455:5 RSSearchCommand at /build/src/aggregate/aggregate_exec.c:470:10 19: RedisModuleCommandDispatcher at /usr/src/redis/src/module.c:695:5 20: call at /usr/src/redis/src/server.c:3750:5 21: processCommand at /usr/src/redis/src/server.c:4297:9 22: processCommandAndResetClient at /usr/src/redis/src/networking.c:2105:9 processInputBuffer at /usr/src/redis/src/networking.c:2206:17 23: callHandler at /usr/src/redis/src/connhelpers.h:79:18 connSocketEventHandler at /usr/src/redis/src/connection.c:295:14 24: aeProcessEvents at /usr/src/redis/src/ae.c:427:17 25: aeMain at /usr/src/redis/src/ae.c:487:9 26: main at /usr/src/redis/src/server.c:6474:5 27: libc_start_main 28: _start


search_version:2.6.13 search_redis_version:6.2.13 - oss




search_fields_text:Text=2 search_fields_vector:Vector=1,Flat=1


search_dialect_1:0 search_dialect_2:1 search_dialect_3:0


search_concurrent_mode:OFF search_enableGC:ON search_minimal_term_prefix:2 search_maximal_prefix_expansions:200 search_query_timeout_ms:500 search_timeout_policy:return search_cursor_read_size:1000 search_cursor_max_idle_time:300000 search_max_doc_table_size:1000000 search_max_search_results:1000000 search_max_aggregate_results:-1 search_search_pool_size:20 search_index_pool_size:8 search_gc_scan_size:100 search_min_phonetic_term_length:3

------ FAST MEMORY TEST ------ 1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:52.060 # Bio thread for job type #0 terminated 1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:52.060 # Bio thread for job type #1 terminated 1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:52.060 # Bio thread for job type #2 terminated Preparing to test memory region 560db9fbf000 (2281472 bytes) Preparing to test memory region 560dbad7f000 (270336 bytes) Preparing to test memory region 7f19cb5dd000 (7340032 bytes) Preparing to test memory region 7f19cd438000 (6291456 bytes) Preparing to test memory region 7f19ce608000 (13107200 bytes) Preparing to test memory region 7f19d07e1000 (3145728 bytes) Preparing to test memory region 7f19d0e55000 (2621440 bytes) Preparing to test memory region 7f19d10d6000 (8388608 bytes) Preparing to test memory region 7f19d18d7000 (8388608 bytes) Preparing to test memory region 7f19d20d8000 (8388608 bytes) Preparing to test memory region 7f19d28d9000 (8388608 bytes) Preparing to test memory region 7f19d3378000 (8388608 bytes) Preparing to test memory region 7f19d3b79000 (8388608 bytes) Preparing to test memory region 7f19d47fa000 (24576 bytes) Preparing to test memory region 7f19d4800000 (8388608 bytes) Preparing to test memory region 7f19d506e000 (24576 bytes) Preparing to test memory region 7f19d5244000 (16384 bytes) Preparing to test memory region 7f19d5266000 (16384 bytes) Preparing to test memory region 7f19d555a000 (16384 bytes) Preparing to test memory region 7f19d573b000 (8192 bytes) *** Preparing to test memory region 7f19d576b000 (4096 bytes) .O.O.xterm-256colorxterm-256colorO.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O Fast memory test PASSED, however your memory can still be broken. Please run a memory test for several hours if possible.

------ DUMPING CODE AROUND EIP ------ Symbol: _Z35FP32_InnerProductSIMD16Ext_SSE_implPKvS0_m (base: 0x7f19d4570820) Module: /usr/lib/redis/modules/ (base 0x7f19d4379000) $ xxd -r -p /tmp/dump.hex /tmp/dump.bin $ objdump --adjust-vma=0x7f19d4570820 -D -b binary -m i386:x86-64 /tmp/dump.bin

1:M 29 Jan 2024 09:13:52.502 # dump of function (hexdump of 137 bytes): 488d04974839c7736fc5f057c90f1f00c5f8101fc5e059064883c7404883c640c5f81067d0c5f8106fe0c5f81056f0c5f858c1c5d8594ed0c5f858c1c5d0594ee0c5f858c1c5f8104ff0c5f059cac5f058c84839f877b9c5f0c6c155c5fa58c1c5f015d1c5fa58d2c5f0c6c1ffc5ea58c0c3660f1f440000c5f857c0c30f1f004883ec08e877ffffff Function at 0x7f19d4570820 is _Z35FP32_InnerProductSIMD16Ext_SSE_implPKvS0_m

=== REDIS BUG REPORT END. Make sure to include from START to END. ===

   Please report the crash by opening an issue on github:

If a Redis module was involved, please open in the module's repo instead.

Suspect RAM error? Use redis-server --test-memory to verify it.

Some other issues could be detected by redis-server --check-system

zahidekilic commented 7 months ago

my cpu info is below. could anyone help me urgently. I'm suffering this for 1 week.

$ cat /proc/cpuinfo processor : 0 vendor_id : GenuineIntel cpu family : 15 model : 6 model name : Common KVM processor stepping : 1 microcode : 0x1 cpu MHz : 2599.998 cache size : 16384 KB physical id : 0 siblings : 4 core id : 0 cpu cores : 4 apicid : 0 initial apicid : 0 fpu : yes fpu_exception : yes cpuid level : 13 wp : yes flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht syscall nx lm constant_tsc nopl xtopology cpuid tsc_known_freq pni cx16 x2apic hypervisor lahf_lm cpuid_fault pti bugs : cpu_meltdown spectre_v1 spectre_v2 spec_store_bypass l1tf mds swapgs itlb_multihit mmio_unknown bogomips : 5199.99 clflush size : 64 cache_alignment : 128 address sizes : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual power management:

processor : 1 vendor_id : GenuineIntel cpu family : 15 model : 6 model name : Common KVM processor stepping : 1 microcode : 0x1 cpu MHz : 2599.998 cache size : 16384 KB physical id : 0 siblings : 4 core id : 1 cpu cores : 4 apicid : 1 initial apicid : 1 fpu : yes fpu_exception : yes cpuid level : 13 wp : yes flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht syscall nx lm constant_tsc nopl xtopology cpuid tsc_known_freq pni cx16 x2apic hypervisor lahf_lm cpuid_fault pti bugs : cpu_meltdown spectre_v1 spectre_v2 spec_store_bypass l1tf mds swapgs itlb_multihit mmio_unknown bogomips : 5199.99 clflush size : 64 cache_alignment : 128 address sizes : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual power management:

processor : 2 vendor_id : GenuineIntel cpu family : 15 model : 6 model name : Common KVM processor stepping : 1 microcode : 0x1 cpu MHz : 2599.998 cache size : 16384 KB physical id : 0 siblings : 4 core id : 2 cpu cores : 4 apicid : 2 initial apicid : 2 fpu : yes fpu_exception : yes cpuid level : 13 wp : yes flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht syscall nx lm constant_tsc nopl xtopology cpuid tsc_known_freq pni cx16 x2apic hypervisor lahf_lm cpuid_fault pti bugs : cpu_meltdown spectre_v1 spectre_v2 spec_store_bypass l1tf mds swapgs itlb_multihit mmio_unknown bogomips : 5199.99 clflush size : 64 cache_alignment : 128 address sizes : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual power management:

processor : 3 vendor_id : GenuineIntel cpu family : 15 model : 6 model name : Common KVM processor stepping : 1 microcode : 0x1 cpu MHz : 2599.998 cache size : 16384 KB physical id : 0 siblings : 4 core id : 3 cpu cores : 4 apicid : 3 initial apicid : 3 fpu : yes fpu_exception : yes cpuid level : 13 wp : yes flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht syscall nx lm constant_tsc nopl xtopology cpuid tsc_known_freq pni cx16 x2apic hypervisor lahf_lm cpuid_fault pti bugs : cpu_meltdown spectre_v1 spectre_v2 spec_store_bypass l1tf mds swapgs itlb_multihit mmio_unknown bogomips : 5199.99 clflush size : 64 cache_alignment : 128 address sizes : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual power management:

meiravgri commented 7 months ago

hi @zahidekilic Thanks for the report. I suspect that issue is caused by limited permissions on VM as reported here: To confirm, please run cat /proc/cpuinfo outside the docker, and compare the CPU flags. if you have avx flag, the solution in the issue above should work. Let me know if it helps

zahidekilic commented 7 months ago

here is my host machine's CPU flags. There is no avx flag.

$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep sse flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht syscall nx lm constant_tsc nopl xtopology cpuid tsc_known_freq pni cx16 x2apic hypervisor lahf_lm cpuid_fault pti flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht syscall nx lm constant_tsc nopl xtopology cpuid tsc_known_freq pni cx16 x2apic hypervisor lahf_lm cpuid_fault pti flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht syscall nx lm constant_tsc nopl xtopology cpuid tsc_known_freq pni cx16 x2apic hypervisor lahf_lm cpuid_fault pti flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht syscall nx lm constant_tsc nopl xtopology cpuid tsc_known_freq pni cx16 x2apic hypervisor lahf_lm cpuid_fault pti

meiravgri commented 7 months ago

Unfortunately, it appears that changing permissions may not resolve the issue in this case However, I'd give it a try.

The problem is likely related to the binary compilation for the Docker image. Currently, it is compiled on an AVX512 machine, ensuring the availability of all the calculation functions. The set of functions suitable for the hardware you are running on (in this case - SSE) will be chosen at run time. Upon investigating the assembly of SSE functions compiled with AVX flags, it was discovered that surprisingly the AVX flags impact the implementation. This results in the utilization of assembly instructions not compatible with SSE machines, causing the crash you observed.

This is a bug that should be addressed. One workaround could be running the Docker image on a more modern machine, and the second would be compiling from source.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

This issue is stale because it has been open for 60 days with no activity.