Closed cnvsuresh closed 3 years ago
How did you start the RediSearch server?
I've installed the redisearch-py by using pip in flask. And then added the example in code.
from flask_restful import Resource
from redisearch import Client, TextField, IndexDefinition, Query
class RedisClass(Resource):
def post():
# Creating a client with a given index name
client = Client("myIndex")
# IndexDefinition is available for RediSearch 2.0+
definition = IndexDefinition(prefix=['doc:', 'article:'])
# Creating the index definition and schema
client.create_index((TextField("title", weight=5.0), TextField("body")), definition=definition)
# Indexing a document for RediSearch 2.0+
'title': 'RediSearch',
'body': 'Redisearch impements a search engine on top of redis'
# Indexing a document for RediSearch 1.x
body="Redisearch implements a search engine on top of redis",
return True
def get():
# Creating a client with a given index name
client = Client("myIndex")
# Simple search
res ="search engine")
# the result has the total number of results, and a list of documents
print( # "2"
print([0].title) # "RediSearch"
# Searching with complex parameters:
q = Query("search engine").verbatim().no_content().with_scores().paging(0, 5)
res =
return make_response(jsonify(res), 200)
After that i'm trying to call the get/post method from API level.
And started the docker image by using the below command
docker run -p 6379:6379 redislabs/redisearch:latest
Usually that error means that the Redis server you're trying to use does not have the redisearch module installed. @cnvsuresh How did you start the Redis server, or where is it running?
I've added the Redis Caching by using the Flask-Caching in the project. There only I've added Redis configuration to connect. But related to redisearch I didn't mention any configuration to connect.
How can I provide Redisearch configuration?
Can I use this library with enterprise Redis without using the docker image which is provided from this library?
@cnvsuresh You can, yes. If you're using Redis Enterprise Cloud, then these docs will help you turn on RediSearch:
You should be able to use the Docker image in the way you mentioned earlier for local testing: start it with the command you used and connect to it with the code in your example, so if that's not working, your Flask code may be connecting to the wrong Redis instance -- not the one you started with our RediSearch Docker image.
Thanks, @abrookins Now all set. I'm able to use the enterprise account instead of docker. Thanks for the help.
In the future, if is there any case to store the array of objects in redisearch. let us know it'll really help.
I've used the example which is available in the readme file. I've missed the configuration setup. Because of no configuration, it's showing the below error:
Can you please help me on this?