RedisGraph / RedisGraph

A graph database as a Redis module
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Varying results on match, merge of a server lock-up and seemingly off query stats on a second execution of query #1113

Open joshdurbin opened 4 years ago

joshdurbin commented 4 years ago


I'm running into an issue, experiencing a lockup, or a freeze, rather than a crash in a certain scenario. Each test is done with a fresh instance -- no data.

The crash involves re-executing a query where the first attempt at the query returns the error (error) Type mismatch: expected a map but was Unknown. The query is a multi match, merge where the merge itself creates edges between existing nodes, creates a new node or nodes, and edges.

The dataset to reproduce is small and relatively simple and is show via a redis client instance in monitor mode.

Pass to crash

Monitor for index creation, person and product node creation> monitor
1591160369.694658 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "create index on :person(id)" "--COMPACT"
1591160369.700354 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "create index on :product(id)" "--COMPACT"
1591160369.702398 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "create index on :order(id)" "--COMPACT"
1591160369.995219 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:person {id: 5, name:\"Alexandra Lakin\",age:30,address:\"Suite 076 850 Roob Crossroad, Bernhardtown, MD 95628-3856\",memberSince:1042667969})" "--COMPACT"
1591160369.996059 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:person {id: 3, name:\"Thanh Ondricka\",age:19,address:\"5059 Del Springs, Lake Mariselaville, KS 81887\",memberSince:1172181569})" "--COMPACT"
1591160369.996567 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:person {id: 4, name:\"Deshawn Ledner\",age:13,address:\"Apt. 788 55129 Aufderhar Mountain, Lake Faustino, VA 82614\",memberSince:974411969})" "--COMPACT"
1591160369.997135 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:person {id: 0, name:\"Weldon Hyatt\",age:95,address:\"053 Wallace Creek, Debrahland, MN 46503\",memberSince:1578434369})" "--COMPACT"
1591160369.997232 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:person {id: 1, name:\"Gene Welch\",age:26,address:\"Apt. 945 31635 Turner Mill, Stoltenbergside, VT 10337\",memberSince:1440194369})" "--COMPACT"
1591160369.997324 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:person {id: 2, name:\"Roman Rice\",age:37,address:\"7881 Gerhold Flats, West Brendon, VA 60985\",memberSince:1531432769})" "--COMPACT"
1591160370.006133 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:person {id: 6, name:\"Necole Schaden\",age:11,address:\"664 Lehner Village, West Florinehaven, AZ 56455-4965\",memberSince:1444082369}),(:person {id: 7, name:\"Lindsay Blanda\",age:34,address:\"Apt. 471 2525 Schuppe Islands, Jerdeburgh, LA 00168-6905\",memberSince:1152309569}),(:person {id: 8, name:\"Guy Kshlerin\",age:34,address:\"Suite 781 701 Rowe Keys, Schadenmouth, AL 78035-4942\",memberSince:1408831169}),(:person {id: 9, name:\"Margarete Gibson\",age:38,address:\"Suite 838 4806 Gino Walk, East Jimmie, OH 37693\",memberSince:1045346369})" "--COMPACT"
1591160370.098444 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:product {id: 0,name:\"Fantastic Leather Pants\",manufacturer:\"Legros Inc\",msrp:'538.75'})" "--COMPACT"
1591160370.098507 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:product {id: 1,name:\"Ergonomic Wool Hat\",manufacturer:\"Blick-Kuhn\",msrp:'47.2'})" "--COMPACT"
1591160370.099368 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:product {id: 2,name:\"Fantastic Paper Computer\",manufacturer:\"Collins-Morar\",msrp:'981.75'})" "--COMPACT"
1591160370.099436 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:product {id: 3,name:\"Sleek Cotton Wallet\",manufacturer:\"Willms-Haley\",msrp:'28.62'})" "--COMPACT"
1591160370.100247 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:product {id: 4,name:\"Ergonomic Rubber Pants\",manufacturer:\"Runolfsdottir-Kunze\",msrp:'200.48'})" "--COMPACT"
1591160370.100341 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:product {id: 5,name:\"Awesome Aluminum Bottle\",manufacturer:\"Ryan-Douglas\",msrp:'745.93'})" "--COMPACT"
1591160370.101954 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:product {id: 8,name:\"Gorgeous Granite Gloves\",manufacturer:\"Doyle-Witting\",msrp:'524.72'})" "--COMPACT"
1591160370.102025 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:product {id: 9,name:\"Small Paper Lamp\",manufacturer:\"Rodriguez and Sons\",msrp:'95.92'})" "--COMPACT"
1591160370.102093 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:product {id: 6,name:\"Durable Wool Keyboard\",manufacturer:\"Mosciski-Schulist\",msrp:'207.96'}),(:product {id: 7,name:\"Fantastic Leather Clock\",manufacturer:\"Kiehn-Rodriguez\",msrp:'952.25'})" "--COMPACT"

Query that results in Type mismatch

In another client the request is made to execute the multi-match, merge that results in an error:> graph.query prodrec "MATCH (p8:person {id: 8}), (prd6:product {id: 6}), (prd2:product {id: 2}), (prd3:product {id: 3}), (prd7:product {id: 7}), (prd4:product {id: 4}), (prd0:product {id: 0}), (prd5:product {id: 5}) MERGE (p8)-[:view {time: 1510534349}]->(prd6) MERGE (p8)-[:view {time: 1493555849}]->(prd2) MERGE (p8)-[:addtocart {time: 1423488329}]->(prd3) MERGE (p8)-[:addtocart {time: 1430040509}]->(prd7) MERGE (p8)-[:view {time: 1412499989}]->(prd4) MERGE (p8)-[:addtocart {time: 1449420509}]->(prd0) MERGE (p8)-[:view {time: 1557247769}]->(prd5) MERGE (p8)-[:addtocart {time: 1423488329}]->(prd3) MERGE (p8)-[:addtocart {time: 1430040509}]->(prd7) MERGE (p8)-[:addtocart {time: 1449420509}]->(prd0) MERGE (o8:order {id: 8,subTotal:980.87,tax:107.8,shipping:45.08,total:1133.75}) MERGE (o9:order {id: 9,subTotal:538.75,tax:59.4,shipping:31.32,total:629.47}) MERGE (p8)-[:transact {time: 1430040509}]->(o8) MERGE (o8)-[:contain]->(prd3) MERGE (o8)-[:contain]->(prd7) MERGE (p8)-[:transact {time: 1449420509}]->(o9) MERGE (o9)-[:contain]->(prd0) MERGE (p8)-[:rating {time: 1449420509, rating: 8}]->(prd0)"
1) (error) Type mismatch: expected a map but was Unknown

When this query is executed the Redis Server log reports:

1:M 03 Jun 2020 05:00:11.163 # <graph> RedisGraph used forced unlocking commit flow for the query MATCH (p8:person {id: 8}), (prd6:product {id: 6}), (prd2:product {id: 2}), (prd3:product {id: 3}), (prd7:product {id: 7}), (prd4:product {id: 4}), (prd0:product {id: 0}), (prd5:product {id: 5}) MERGE (p8)-[:view {time: 1510534349}]->(prd6) MERGE (p8)-[:view {time: 1493555849}]->(prd2) MERGE (p8)-[:addtocart {time: 1423488329}]->(prd3) MERGE (p8)-[:addtocart {time: 1430040509}]->(prd7) MERGE (p8)-[:view {time: 1412499989}]->(prd4) MERGE (p8)-[:addtocart {time: 1449420509}]->(prd0) MERGE (p8)-[:view {time: 1557247769}]->(prd5) MERGE (p8)-[:addtocart {time: 1423488329}]->(prd3) MERGE (p8)-[:addtocart {time: 1430040509}]->(prd7) MERGE (p8)-[:addtocart {time: 1449420509}]->(prd0) MERGE (o8:order {id: 8,subTotal:980.87,tax:107.8,shipping:45.08,total:1133.75}) MERGE (o9:order {id: 9,subTotal:538.75,tax:59.4,shipping:31.32,total:629.47}) MERGE (p8)-[:transact {time: 1430040509}]->(o8) MERGE (o8)-[:contain]->(prd3) MERGE (o8)-[:contain]->(prd7) MERGE 

The issue is present for shorter queries too, that aren't truncated, but share the same "components", just a fewer of them.

At this point the server is still and responding. Re-executing the query, however, locks the Redis instance.

Re-run query to lock server> graph.query prodrec "MATCH (p8:person {id: 8}), (prd6:product {id: 6}), (prd2:product {id: 2}), (prd3:product {id: 3}), (prd7:product {id: 7}), (prd4:product {id: 4}), (prd0:product {id: 0}), (prd5:product {id: 5}) MERGE (p8)-[:view {time: 1510534349}]->(prd6) MERGE (p8)-[:view {time: 1493555849}]->(prd2) MERGE (p8)-[:addtocart {time: 1423488329}]->(prd3) MERGE (p8)-[:addtocart {time: 1430040509}]->(prd7) MERGE (p8)-[:view {time: 1412499989}]->(prd4) MERGE (p8)-[:addtocart {time: 1449420509}]->(prd0) MERGE (p8)-[:view {time: 1557247769}]->(prd5) MERGE (p8)-[:addtocart {time: 1423488329}]->(prd3) MERGE (p8)-[:addtocart {time: 1430040509}]->(prd7) MERGE (p8)-[:addtocart {time: 1449420509}]->(prd0) MERGE (o8:order {id: 8,subTotal:980.87,tax:107.8,shipping:45.08,total:1133.75}) MERGE (o9:order {id: 9,subTotal:538.75,tax:59.4,shipping:31.32,total:629.47}) MERGE (p8)-[:transact {time: 1430040509}]->(o8) MERGE (o8)-[:contain]->(prd3) MERGE (o8)-[:contain]->(prd7) MERGE (p8)-[:transact {time: 1449420509}]->(o9) MERGE (o9)-[:contain]->(prd0) MERGE (p8)-[:rating {time: 1449420509, rating: 8}]->(prd0)"

At this point Redis never returns and the server is in a forever blocking state.

A small example, though, that results in a different outcome is the following:

Crashless pass

In this pass, again, the server is stopped and restated. No data is shared.

Monitor for index creation, person and product node creation> monitor
1591161315.157837 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "create index on :person(id)" "--COMPACT"
1591161315.163467 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "create index on :product(id)" "--COMPACT"
1591161315.165327 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "create index on :order(id)" "--COMPACT"
1591161315.477554 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:person {id: 0, name:\"Freeman Hoppe\",age:28,address:\"1278 Marks Rapids, Hyattview, WV 47504\",memberSince:1213308915})" "--COMPACT"
1591161315.478618 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:person {id: 4, name:\"Hailey Schmitt\",age:58,address:\"658 Zina Park, Jaysonborough, TN 07207\",memberSince:1331936115})" "--COMPACT"
1591161315.478732 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:person {id: 3, name:\"Lilli Senger\",age:37,address:\"Apt. 912 980 Beier Trace, Buenashire, MI 46392-3881\",memberSince:1528668915})" "--COMPACT"
1591161315.478837 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:person {id: 2, name:\"Tony Hodkiewicz\",age:57,address:\"2356 Porfirio Shore, Fritzland, PA 08495-2240\",memberSince:1501452915})" "--COMPACT"
1591161315.479088 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:person {id: 1, name:\"Gavin Dicki\",age:68,address:\"3492 Schamberger Lane, Botsfordborough, DE 86335\",memberSince:1151792115})" "--COMPACT"
1591161315.569199 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:product {id: 0,name:\"Awesome Linen Wallet\",manufacturer:\"Herman-Reilly\",msrp:'173.59'})" "--COMPACT"
1591161315.569501 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:product {id: 1,name:\"Enormous Plastic Gloves\",manufacturer:\"Hintz, Kling and Klocko\",msrp:'7.26'})" "--COMPACT"
1591161315.569765 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:product {id: 2,name:\"Intelligent Silk Bag\",manufacturer:\"Bode, Leannon and Auer\",msrp:'475.29'})" "--COMPACT"
1591161315.572086 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:product {id: 3,name:\"Fantastic Granite Shoes\",manufacturer:\"Emard, Gerlach and Kuphal\",msrp:'489.75'})" "--COMPACT"
1591161315.572380 [0] "graph.QUERY" "prodrec" "CREATE (:product {id: 4,name:\"Incredible Marble Computer\",manufacturer:\"Davis LLC\",msrp:'210.81'})" "--COMPACT"

Query that results in Type mismatch> graph.query prodrec "MATCH (p1:person {id: 1}), (prd2:product {id: 2}), (prd1:product {id: 1}), (prd0:product {id: 0}), (prd4:product {id: 4}), (prd3:product {id: 3}) MERGE (p1)-[:view {time: 1369171755}]->(prd2) MERGE (p1)-[:view {time: 1443346815}]->(prd1) MERGE (p1)-[:view {time: 1161228015}]->(prd0) MERGE (p1)-[:addtocart {time: 1477134135}]->(prd4) MERGE (p1)-[:view {time: 1411229895}]->(prd3) MERGE (p1)-[:addtocart {time: 1477134135}]->(prd4) MERGE (o2:order {id: 2,subTotal:210.81,tax:11.13,shipping:25.2,total:247.14}) MERGE (p1)-[:transact {time: 1477134135}]->(o2) MERGE (o2)-[:contain]->(prd4) MERGE (p1)-[:rating {time: 1477134135, rating: 2}]->(prd4)"
1) (error) Type mismatch: expected a map but was Unknown

When this query is executed the Redis Server log reports:

1:M 03 Jun 2020 05:15:47.013 # <graph> RedisGraph used forced unlocking commit flow for the query MATCH (p1:person {id: 1}), (prd2:product {id: 2}), (prd1:product {id: 1}), (prd0:product {id: 0}), (prd4:product {id: 4}), (prd3:product {id: 3}) MERGE (p1)-[:view {time: 1369171755}]->(prd2) MERGE (p1)-[:view {time: 1443346815}]->(prd1) MERGE (p1)-[:view {time: 1161228015}]->(prd0) MERGE (p1)-[:addtocart {time: 1477134135}]->(prd4) MERGE (p1)-[:view {time: 1411229895}]->(prd3) MERGE (p1)-[:addtocart {time: 1477134135}]->(prd4) MERGE (o2:order {id: 2,subTotal:210.81,tax:11.13,shipping:25.2,total:247.14}) MERGE (p1)-[:transact {time: 1477134135}]->(o2) MERGE (o2)-[:contain]->(prd4) MERGE (p1)-[:rating {time: 1477134135, rating: 2}]->(prd4)

Re-run query, receive results> graph.query prodrec "MATCH (p1:person {id: 1}), (prd2:product {id: 2}), (prd1:product {id: 1}), (prd0:product {id: 0}), (prd4:product {id: 4}), (prd3:product {id: 3}) MERGE (p1)-[:view {time: 1369171755}]->(prd2) MERGE (p1)-[:view {time: 1443346815}]->(prd1) MERGE (p1)-[:view {time: 1161228015}]->(prd0) MERGE (p1)-[:addtocart {time: 1477134135}]->(prd4) MERGE (p1)-[:view {time: 1411229895}]->(prd3) MERGE (p1)-[:addtocart {time: 1477134135}]->(prd4) MERGE (o2:order {id: 2,subTotal:210.81,tax:11.13,shipping:25.2,total:247.14}) MERGE (p1)-[:transact {time: 1477134135}]->(o2) MERGE (o2)-[:contain]->(prd4) MERGE (p1)-[:rating {time: 1477134135, rating: 2}]->(prd4)"
1) 1) "Nodes created: 1"
   2) "Properties set: 8"
   3) "Relationships created: 3"
   4) "Query internal execution time: 2.979400 milliseconds"

The results of this query are interesting because, from my count, the number of relationships created should be 9, which makes me think I'm doing something stupid.

Version> module list
1) 1) "name"
   2) "graph"
   3) "ver"
   4) (integer) 20012
swilly22 commented 4 years ago

HI @joshdurbin Thank you for the detailed report!

I've run your queries and was able to re-produce the issue, to give some details, this locking we're experiencing has to do with the way we index our nodes. When re-running the queries (skipping index creation) I was able to execute the large MERGE query to completion.

We'll look into it and update here once a fix is available.

joshdurbin commented 4 years ago

In the meantime I can do:

MATCH (p9:person {id: 9}), (prd5:product {id: 5}), (prd6:product {id: 6}), (prd7:product {id: 7}), (prd0:product {id: 0}), (prd4:product {id: 4}), (prd2:product {id: 2}), (prd9:product {id: 9}), (prd8:product {id: 8}), (prd3:product {id: 3}), (prd1:product {id: 1}) CREATE (p9)-[:view {time: 1387897946}]->(prd5), (p9)-[:view {time: 1460909846}]->(prd6), (p9)-[:addtocart {time: 1376191346}]->(prd7), (p9)-[:view {time: 1445321666}]->(prd0), (p9)-[:view {time: 1494459026}]->(prd4), (p9)-[:view {time: 1591052846}]->(prd2), (p9)-[:view {time: 1373205506}]->(prd9), (p9)-[:addtocart {time: 1577717966}]->(prd8), (p9)-[:view {time: 1308607406}]->(prd3), (p9)-[:view {time: 1326255626}]->(prd1), (p9)-[:addtocart {time: 1376191346}]->(prd7), (p9)-[:addtocart {time: 1577717966}]->(prd8), (o14:order {id: 14,subTotal:1088.04,tax:50.6,shipping:15.4,total:1154.04}), (p9)-[:transact {time: 1577717966}]->(o14), (o14)-[:contain]->(prd7), (p9)-[:rating {time: 1577717966, rating: 6}]->(prd7), (o14)-[:contain]->(prd8), (p9)-[:rating {time: 1577717966, rating: 4}]->(prd8)

...which, honestly, is sufficient for my needs.