RedisGraph / RedisGraph

A graph database as a Redis module
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Popoto as UI. Easy. #479

Open styk-tv opened 5 years ago

styk-tv commented 5 years ago

Not sure if you've met Popoto? JS, NPM-based UI that talks Cypher. Would be good as currently missing bit of UI for browsing graphs. It is currently binding to neo4j only, however since it generates Cypher as result of UI operations it would be interesting to feed that as input and to RedisGraph.


Anyone wants to explore further? Would be a good addition to Backlog/Integrations

itamarhaber commented 5 years ago

Looks mighty interesting - ty @styk-tv

swilly22 commented 5 years ago

@styk-tv, Please wait 1-2 weeks for the new result-set structure (currently in the redisconf branch) to reach the Master, with the new result-set structure in-place it would be much easier to integrate with different UIs.

We're currently updating all of our clients to handle the new result-set structure, see redisgraph-py as an example

swilly22 commented 5 years ago

@styk-tv the new result-set has been merged and the clients been updated.

styk-tv commented 5 years ago

Thanks Roi (@swilly22). I will take a look.

objectiveous commented 5 years ago

@styk-tv, is Popoto now compatible w/ RedisGraph?