I want to use Device.id as the index. Now the query plan uses priority filtering software. How can I modify the statement to use Device.id as the index.
Is there a way to enforce the use of indexes?
Description of index selection priority?
create index on :Device(id)
GRAPH.EXPLAIN "graphDb" "MATCH (soft:Software)-[:installedOnDevice]-(dev:Device) WHERE dev.id = 'dev_id_1001' and soft.invalid=0 and soft.node='node_id_1001' RETURN count(soft) "
1) "Results"
2) " Aggregate"
3) " Filter"
4) " Conditional Traverse | (soft)->(dev:Device)"
5) " Filter"
6) " Node By Index Scan | (soft:Software)"
I want to use Device.id as the index. Now the query plan uses priority filtering software. How can I modify the statement to use Device.id as the index.
Is there a way to enforce the use of indexes?
Description of index selection priority?