RedisLabs / redis-enterprise-k8s-docs

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terminated by SIGKILL; not expected #188

Open krPrashantSingh opened 2 years ago

krPrashantSingh commented 2 years ago

I am trying to create rec. But not a single POD is getting to 'running' state This is rec yaml file

apiVersion: kind: RedisEnterpriseCluster metadata: name: rec-svc spec:

Add fields here

nodes: 3 nodeSelector: role: highmemnp redisEnterpriseNodeResources: limits: cpu: "1000m" memory: 1Gi requests: cpu: "500m" memory: 512Mi persistentSpec: enabled: true volumeSize: "1Gi"

snapshot of the error from POD image

laurentdroin commented 2 years ago


There is not enough information here to know for sure what is the cause of the issue but it's very unlikely that you can get a functional cluster with such low resource limits, especially the memory. The minimum amount of memory per node in a development environment is 4 GB (see The minimum for a non-production environment is 4 GB (see

I would suggest deleting that REC resource and creating a new one with 4 GB of memory per node.

If this doesn't help, the best way to get help is to generate a Support Package (see and open a support ticket with Redis. We would be able to find out exactly what is causing the problem.

