Redot-Engine / redot-proposals

Redot Improvement Proposals
MIT License
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Add a project setting to configure the audio resampling algorithm #18

Open basidiusB opened 1 month ago

basidiusB commented 1 month ago

Tested versions


System information


Issue description

I am making a retro game in Godot, and due to the current state of the engine, would like to port it to Redot.

My problem is that I would like to use WAV sound effects with a low sample rate, and when played back in Godot, they sound off-putting.

I wish I had opportunity to change the audio sampling algorithm, described in this feature request.

As said in the proposal mentioned above, the audio settings in Godot are hardcoded, and the project's founder suggested upsampling the audio in a DAW.

So, does Redot's community share opinions about this?

Steps to reproduce


Minimal reproduction project (MRP)


PEMI-len commented 1 month ago

i get a kick out of "half-life style crispiness" and this is something that would benefit me if the engine supported it. resampling on export is fine, but it does result in larger audio files. don't know about how big those gains would be. i assume not much if using ogg or mp3.

Spartan322 commented 1 month ago

Unless there is not a heavy technical reason this could not be supported, I see nothing wrong with considering this, if the community so desires it.