Redrazors / PathfinderAttackExtension

Sample chrome extension for d20pfsrd
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add translated TestReader.js #3

Closed Freymaurer closed 5 years ago

Freymaurer commented 5 years ago

Hello, so i translated my f# code into js via fable. Now i just added a a file containing the bestiary entry reader and maybe you can try and use it and then tell me what the output is, as it would be complicated for me to fuse those js functions together.

i added a comment to the only function you should need, as everything above is used by that function.

Please let me know if it works and if it won't work please send me what you used as input and your output.

Redrazors commented 5 years ago

Did it come with a folder "fable-library" ? I can see it referenced in the javscript code but don't have it on the github.