Redth / ResizetizerNT

Add SVG's and PNG's to your shared Xamarin Project
MIT License
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[BUG] Build failing after deleting added resource #35

Open themronion opened 3 years ago

themronion commented 3 years ago

So, i was using the plugin sucessfully, thx for it, btw!!! But at some moment i needed to delete a resource that i added a long time ago. So i deleted my svg and tried to run. The build was ok, but when i started to run the app it crashed. From where can i grab the needed logs for u to examine? Or do i need to clean and rebuild the project for everything to work normally? BTW, before, i normally deleted resources and it did work. XF version 5 - latest pre, plugin - latest version

themronion commented 3 years ago

Cleaning/rebuilding didn't help. By the way in my project i have a google-services.json file and i am using a lot of google services. Maybe the issue with google is still present and wasn't fixed in 2.0? @Redth, help wanted!

Redth commented 3 years ago

Really need build logs (ideally binary logs) to have any guesses.

The only thing I can think of is you deleted the .svg but didn't remove the reference to it in your .csproj?

themronion commented 3 years ago

Can u guide me how to get the binary logs? The reference gets deleted automatically as i remember, but i ll check that

themronion commented 3 years ago

some update on this one. It happens when working with git. When i switch between branches on some point i'll get the build error, don't know exactly how to reproduce. Then after closing and reopening the solution everything works well

Redth commented 3 years ago

Do you have different versions of resizetizer installed on different branches?

themronion commented 3 years ago


bondarenkod commented 3 years ago

Try to clean the solution, then close the VS, then kill all the MSBUILD processes like "tskill msbuild" Then try to build the sln again. I saw the similar issue today-yesterday. I'm not sure but it looks like there is something like cache and it's not invalidating during the rebuild after some resources were moved.

themronion commented 3 years ago

@bondarenkod yeap, just reopening the solution is enough - thats how i handle this problem