Redth / ResizetizerNT

Add SVG's and PNG's to your shared Xamarin Project
MIT License
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AppCenter iOS builds #81

Open Nikorasu69 opened 2 years ago

Nikorasu69 commented 2 years ago

We are using AppCenter build pipelines for our Xamarin Forms applications, and since the new VM release a couple of days ago (2021-10-29) the build process fails when doing the Resizetize bit.

The VM is the following, pulled from GitHub by the pipeline: Environment: macos-11 Version: 20211029.3

I easily reproduced the issue today by setting up a bare minimum Xamarin Forms project, adding Resizetizer.NT 0.3.0, adding a couple of .svg files and configuring the BaseSize in the shared project file. Then adding a new app to AppCenter and using it to build the application, it fails at the exact same spot.

I checked the successful build logs and found that the task of "ResizetizeImages:" failed. Removing the Resizetizer.NT Image Image(0.3.0) / SharedImage (0.2.0) Build Action from the images and re-building it via the pipeline worked without a hitch, as it never triggers the task.

This has been tested with 0.2.0 and 0.3.0, our latest successful build was two days before the new VM image release using 0.3.0 so it sure looks like it is some sort of conflict with the new VM additions.

So after all the boring nonsense above I need to tell you that you made one hell of a plugin, it is truly an awesome piece of software that saves us a lot of time dealing with .svg images.

msivers commented 2 years ago

We are also seeing this same issue on Azure DevOps Pipelines (as I understand it App Center uses same build agents as AzDO Pipelines).

Exactly the same point (having compared to previously successful run builds the next line in the output would be "ResizetizeImages:"). Seems that MSBuild just bombs out as there is no error messages at all.

tpreilly4 commented 2 years ago

We are running into the same issue (NT 0.2.0), also using AppCenter to build our Xamarin Forms application.

We were able to track this down by comparing successful builds from last week to the fails we've been experiencing this week. MSBuild returns a null error code.

GalaxiaGuy commented 2 years ago

For reference, messing around with version numbers in a small project does seem to make it work:

GalaxiaGuy commented 2 years ago

There is a solution here that seems to work:

It involves clearing memory between restoring packages and doing the build.

GalaxiaGuy commented 2 years ago

Using nuget 5.6 (instead of the latest 5.9) also seems to work.

CliffAgius commented 2 years ago

Ok I managed to get my builds working by following the advise here:

Basically creating 2 scripts that will:

Post-Clone - Update Nuget Pre-Build - Install Mono

This has fixed my builds while we await this issue to be fixed, this method also means you have the latest version of Nuget available as my attempts to downgrade to 5.6 didn't work for me.

Hope this helps someone.

Oh and as I have just done this on another branch and wondered what was going wrong make sure you select the Latest Stable in the AppCenter dropdown for SDK Version for me this was 15.2