So, there are not only additional calls of the function update here but also failures of the binding.
I'm not sure is it really a bug in Gjallarhorn.Bindable/Gjallarhorn or this is expected behaviour.
But in the last case I would want to know why it happens.
Workaround: exposing immutable object. I.e. in the code below use Seq.toList instead of Seq.toArray.
open System
module Views =
open FsXaml
type MainWindow = XAML<"MainWindow.xaml">
open Gjallarhorn.Wpf
open Gjallarhorn.Bindable
open Gjallarhorn.Bindable.Framework
type SomeType = {
AllData : string
Current : char
with member x.TestData = x.AllData |> Seq.toArray
type SomeMessages = | SetCurrent of char
let update message model =
match message with
| SomeMessages.SetCurrent c ->
printfn "setCurrent"
{ model with Current = c }
let allData = "test string"
let init = { AllData = allData; Current = allData.[0] }
let appComp : IComponent<SomeType, unit, SomeMessages> =
Component.create<SomeType, unit, SomeMessages> [
<@ init.Current @> |> Bind.twoWay (fun m -> m.Current) SomeMessages.SetCurrent
<@ init.TestData @> |> Bind.oneWay (fun m -> m.TestData)
let applicationCore nav = Framework.application init update appComp nav
let main _ =
let navigator = Navigation.singleViewFromWindow Views.MainWindow
let app = applicationCore navigator.Navigate
Framework.RunApplication (navigator, app)
code also available in the project IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemCasehere
I faced with odd behaviour:
So, there are not only additional calls of the function update here but also failures of the binding.
I'm not sure is it really a bug in Gjallarhorn.Bindable/Gjallarhorn or this is expected behaviour. But in the last case I would want to know why it happens.
Workaround: exposing immutable object. I.e. in the code below use
instead ofSeq.toArray
code also available in the project