ReedOnePeck / MindDiffuser

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A question about ROI files in the #8

Closed xyhanHIT closed 4 months ago

xyhanHIT commented 5 months ago

Hello, I would like to know how to acquire the relevant ROI files in the, such as "V0.npy", "V1.npy", etc. Are these files from the original NSD datasets? Or they are processed by some other code?

ReedOnePeck commented 5 months ago

They are processed by some other code. For data downloading and preprocessing, I provide you with two options. The first option is to follow the data downloading and preprocessing process provided by this project ( The code is well-established and has been verified to run smoothly. Both our project and his use the first, second, fifth, and seventh subjects, and the training set and test set are divided in the same way.

If you have difficulties with data downloading and preprocessing, the second option is to download this competition dataset ( which provides preprocessed NSD data((,). However, it only provides the complete training set (you can divide it into a new test set yourself), and it should be noted that the division of the training and test sets in this dataset is not consistent with the division in our paper.

xyhanHIT commented 5 months ago

Thanks for your reply! I have reviewed the code provided by the project ( and got the npy files regarding fmri and image data,. However, I can't find the relevant code to obtain these ROI files ("V0.npy", "V1.npy", etc.) in your code, could you tell me which specific code these ROI files come from? Looking forward to your reply again. 1

ReedOnePeck commented 5 months ago

I have three ways to obtain the preprocessed NSD data. I have already told you about the two most convenient methods, but we are using the more cumbersome one ( The original code provided by the author is quite messy and needs to be readjusted. If you insist on using the preprocessed data in the same format as ours, please provide me with an email address, and I will send you the cleaned code.

xyhanHIT commented 5 months ago

Thanks! My email is and I look forward to your reply!

DILIU1 commented 5 months ago

Hello, I've encountered the same issue, could you please share the same steps with me?

ReedOnePeck commented 5 months ago

No problem, I've emailed you.

popu0 commented 5 months ago

Hello author, can you also send me a copy of the processed data? Thank you very much.

yinxu1996 commented 1 month ago

Hello athor. I can't find the relevant code to obtain these ROI files ("V0.npy", "V1.npy", etc.) in your code, could you tell me which specific code these ROI files come from? Looking forward to your reply.