Reedyn / Just-Another-Webshop

Webshop built for a university PHP project
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Data Functions for Template Files #43

Closed Reedyn closed 10 years ago

Reedyn commented 10 years ago

Functions per Template Page

A list of functions grouped by the page they are supposed to be on. Mean't as a guide for the implementation of functions.php

Home page-home.php

Displayal of some products, I suggest we do this in a static way.

Login & Register User page-login.php

Form with two fields, no validation.

Form for registering a new User

A list of products. This page also checks if it should load all products or from a specific category (If the variable `$_GET['category'] exists it should load from the category that variable has as value).

Every product should have the following:

Not sure what we should display in the settings page. Maybe just some text and links to the specific settings pages.

Example of Inet's settings page.

Example of Inets settings page.

User page-settings-user.php

Form that is prefilled with the users information, sans password. (With magic php function that only sends the changed information)

A list of all the users orders. I suggest this to be in a list kind of way using tables or something similar (Easy to sort).

Page for displaying non-editable information about a specific order. Make use of the Orderclass.

User should be forced to login or create an account when trying to access this page. Page for payment and delivery options. Prefilled with information from user

Credit Card

All the information from previous pages (uneditable), except for security information (Only show last 4 numbers on creditcard)

"Page not found"

Footer footer.php

Nothing, pretty much

Header header.php

Function for displaying title in a nice way. Just Another Webshop Pagename / Just Another Webshop

Admin page-admin.php

Page with links to Orders, Products, Users.

Orders page-admin-orders.php

A list of all the users orders. I suggest this to be in a list kind of way using tables or something similar (Easy to sort).

A list of products. (Sortable)

Editable information about a product. Prefilled with information about the product.

Same as product, except not prefilled.

A list of taxanomies. (Preferably with indenation to show hierarchy).

A list of users. (Sortable)

Prefilled form

Form for adding new user