Open Ludee opened 5 years ago
Received first version of ESME data. It has been copied to SP. First feedback: Please follow the naming convention. A look at the data already shows a good structure. We will need to optimise it a little bit. I will create an commented example that we can discuss.
@StevePye PLease give me a smile
Hi @StevePye,
right now I'm checking the metadata for all models. Right now there is very little metadata for ESME:
Input data:
'{"title": "REEEM ESME Input",
"description": "",
"language": [ "eng" ],
{"location": "none",
"extent": "none",
"resolution": "none"},
{"reference_date": "none",
"start": "none",
"end": "none",
"resolution": "none"},
"sources": [
{"name": "none", "description": "none", "url": "none", "license": "none", "copyright": "none"} ],
{"id": "tba",
"name": "tba",
"version": "tba",
"url": "tba",
"instruction": "tba",
"copyright": "tba"},
Output data:
'{"title": "REEEM ESME Output",
"description": "Health externalities (unit cost factors) due to air pollution",
"language": [ "eng" ],
{"location": "none",
"extent": "",
"resolution": ""},
{"reference_date": "",
"start": "2020",
"end": "2050",
"resolution": "10 years"},
"sources": [
{"name": "ESME Model", "description": "tba", "url": "", "license": "none", "copyright": "Energy Technologies Institute (ETI), UCL"} ],
{"id": "tba",
"name": "tba",
"version": "tba",
"url": "tba",
"instruction": "tba",
"copyright": "tba"},
Can you provide me with missing data? If you don't know how to commit here on GitHub, then just take above metadata strings, fill in the missing values (use "none" as value if you there is no value) and post both strings (here in the comment section), I will take it then from there ...
This commit belongs in this issue
@StevePye, a little reminder for:
CC: @Ludee
PS: Most important is sources (for input and output data) and under which licenses you distribute your output data
@StevePye, thanks again for the metadata via email. As communicated via email, we still need the license info for the output data! Please post the license info directly in this ESME issue thread.
Thanks in advance!
modeller: @StevePye