RefactoringCombos / ArlosCommitNotation

A notation for small commits messages that show the risk involved in each step
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Order by priority #11

Closed arlobelshee closed 4 years ago

arlobelshee commented 4 years ago

Just changing the order of the table entries. This now matches the order that I teach them in.

arlobelshee commented 4 years ago

Note: this currently includes the commits from my other PR. I'm assuming both will go through. We'll just remember not to corrupt things if we end up making edits on the other PR.

JayBazuzi commented 4 years ago

Why isn't r first in its section?

For me, I use r the most and it's the first one I teach. t and a are next, but I don't know which order.

arlobelshee commented 4 years ago

I actually introduce it in 3 steps:

  1. Distinguish the basic types of commits, with only 2 levels of safety: F, B, R, d, t, a
  2. Improve risk sensitivity, by splitting out the !! variations: F, B, R, d, t, a, F!!, B!!, R!!
  3. Introduce bug-for-bug compat & provable refactorings: F, B, R, d, t, a, r, F!!, B!!, R!!

Thus I end up with r as 4th in its section, even though a priori I agree it is the most important item in that section.