RefactoringCombos / ArlosCommitNotation

A notation for small commits messages that show the risk involved in each step
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Reorder according to risk/learning #24

Closed JayBazuzi closed 2 years ago

JayBazuzi commented 3 years ago

People who are brand new to this way of working can adopt F!! / B!! / R!! / *** with minimal change to their workflow.

It takes more tooling, more skills, more social change, etc. to adopt each tier.

arlobelshee commented 3 years ago

That's a very good point. I'm not sure how to maintain it as I separate risk level from intention. I really want to do that. Is there a way to implement this on top of that?

JayBazuzi commented 3 years ago

There may be several documents here:

arlobelshee commented 2 years ago

Multiple documents makes sense. would contain the core definitions - risk levels, core intentions. Everything else could go in another document. And the risk levels table should link to something that teaches how to attain those risk levels, incrementally.

arlobelshee commented 2 years ago

I'm going to go ahead and approve / merge the other PR, as I've seen no new comments. That'll make it easier to implement something on top of it for this one.

arlobelshee commented 2 years ago

I'm closing this, as I think our other refactoring partially addresses it. Alternatively, we could add a "learning" document that provides a recommended order for adoption. That's probably best in a new PR anyway.